Rosa Benito, a smiling blonde with red lips and gold earrings, with a frame showing Amador Mohedano wearing a hat and a silence emoji.

Rosa Benito Reappears Without Amador Mohedano and Confesses Her Secret: 'Life...'

Through her new interview away from Amador Mohedano, Rosa Benito is going to reveal one of her best-kept secrets

Rosa Benito has left more than one person speechless after confirming her reappearance on the small screen, although, of course, without Amador Mohedano. The television collaborator has decided to break her silence to confess one of her great secrets: "Life gives you opportunities."

This Thursday, February 6, ¡De Viernes! confirmed through social media and its other distribution channels the upcoming interview with Rosa.

Rosa Benito and Amador Mohedano in a photo montage, a blonde woman with a colorful jersey and a man with a white hat and white jersey.
Rosa Benito reappears on television without Amador Mohedano |, Mediaset

According to the preview, Rosa Benito will sit on the set of this format on February 7 to talk about the worst moments of her life.

"In the darkest moment of my life, I wanted to wake up from that unpleasant dream," said the ex-wife of Amador Mohedano in the first preview of her anticipated interview.

Rosa Benito with blonde hair and an emotional expression wipes her face with a handkerchief in front of a brick background. Capture from '¡De Viernes!'
Rosa Benito breaks down while recalling a tough episode of her life | Mediaset

Additionally, Rosa Benito didn't want to miss the opportunity to confess one of the secrets she has kept well-guarded over these last years: "You get out. Life gives you opportunities."

"Where you don't get out is from the drawer," can be heard from the ex-wife of Amador Mohedano, while images of her with tears in her eyes are shown.

Rosa Benito reappears on ¡De Viernes! without Amador Mohedano

It was last March 8 when, after years away from the small screen, Rosa Benito joined the team of collaborators of ¡De Viernes!. During these months, the television personality has been commenting on the different reality shows on Telecinco.

However, although on other occasions she hasn't had any problem talking about some aspects of her private life, this time she has avoided doing so by all means. Until now.

Capture of Rosa Benito sitting on the set of Telecinco's De Viernes
Rosa Benito has been a collaborator for a year on "¡De Viernes!" | Mediaset

After "three years of silence," ¡De Viernes! has announced "the rebirth of Rosa." In her interview, the ex-wife of Amador Mohedano is going to talk about the hardest moments of her life. Additionally, she is going to share all the work she has had to do to move forward.

As expected, the reactions from internet users haven't been long in coming. So much so that several users on X have taken the opportunity to share their opinions about Rosa Benito's new interview.

"But what is she going to tell us that we don't already know?" asks a follower of the format. "You don't get out of the loop," assured another user, hinting that the content of ¡De Viernes! increasingly resembles that of Deluxe.

However, there are those who have wanted to take the opportunity to criticize Rosa Benito: "Not even to copy her niece. Is she going to talk about the setup with the ex-husband or spill new lies? Today's guest has let you down, hasn't it?"

➡️ People

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