Pepe Navarro with red glasses and a beard appears in the foreground while in the background Alejandro Reyes is seen in a beige suit with a surprised emoji.

Pepe Navarro Finally Reveals if Alejandro Reyes Is His Son and Everyone Is Shocked

Viewers have been left perplexed by the preview of the interview in which he has revealed that information

Pepe Navarro has returned to the spotlight regarding his paternity of Ivonne Reyes's son. Well, he has finally revealed whether he is the father of Alejandro Reyes or not. Everyone has been amazed by his confession.

Not so much because he has reiterated that he is not, but rather because of the way he did it. He did it in an interview for ¡De Viernes!, whose preview has just been revealed.

Close-up of Pepe Navarro with red glasses and gray hair wearing a white jersey while sitting on a sofa.
Pepe Navarro has been very clear and direct | RTVE

The Legal and Media Conflict Between Pepe Navarro and Ivonne Reyes

The dispute between Pepe Navarro and Ivonne Reyes over Alejandro's paternity dates back more than a decade. In 2012, the court declared the presenter as the young man's legal father after he refused to take a paternity test.

Since then, both have been involved in numerous public and legal confrontations, keeping the controversy alive in the media. Above all, making it clear that their positions are completely contradictory on this matter.

Over the years, Pepe has maintained a firm stance denying his paternity. On various occasions, he has expressed his willingness to now undergo DNA tests to prove that he is telling the truth.

Alejandro Reyes with a serious expression appears in the foreground, while in the upper right corner there is a box with Ivonne Reyes smiling and in the lower right corner another box with Pepe Navarro wearing a scarf.
The Battle for Alejandro's Paternity Continues |, Europa Press, Instagram, @brossontalentagency, Kichigin

Pepe Navarro Really Reveals If He Is Alejandro Reyes's Father

Ivonne Reyes sat down a few days ago on ¡De Viernes! to talk about the economic ruin she is immersed in. Her presence on set brought back the spotlight on the war she has been waging for years with Pepe Navarro over the paternity of her son Alejandro Reyes. A paternity that a judge has attributed to the Cordoban after he refused to take the necessary DNA tests.

The topic has become so current again that the presenter of La sonrisa del pelícano has decided to speak on television about it once more. Thus, he has given an interview to the aforementioned program, which will air this coming 21st. This has surprised everyone.

It has also surprised that in it he will definitively reveal if the young man is his offspring. In a preview of the interview, he has categorically stated: "Alejandro Reyes is not my son. Alejandro Reyes is Ivonne Reyes's son, not Pepe Navarro's."

Reactions to the Preview of Pepe Navarro's Interview

Pepe Navarro's reappearance on television and his statements have caused various reactions in the media sphere. It has not gone unnoticed that the open war between him, Ivonne Reyes, and her offspring is going to intensify again.

There are those on social media who fully support the Cordoban's right to sit down and talk about the matter, as the Venezuelan has done on different occasions. But it is also true that other internet users have criticized the presenter. They have done so with tweets like these: "Justice has already spoken, I don't like parallel trials."

Given the circumstances, the statements will reaffirm his denial of Alejandro's paternity, keeping alive a controversy that has lasted for years. All while Ivonne faces personal and economic challenges, and the young man remains silent and at the center of a dispute that seems eternal. The public will continue to pay attention to each new chapter of this story, which combines legal, media, and personal elements.

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