Close-up photo montage of Mercedes Bernal with a serious face and Anabel Pantoja with a smiling face.

Mercedes Bernal, Anabel Pantoja's Mother, Confirms Everything: 'it Has Given Me Life'

Mercedes Bernal turns to social media to dedicate some beautiful words to Anabel Pantoja's daughter

Mercedes Bernal has returned to her Instagram profile with a most revealing post. Through this social network, Anabel Pantoja's mother has dedicated a few words to her beloved granddaughter: "My princess has given me life these days."

There is no doubt that these last few weeks have been especially tough for this media-savvy family. All due to Alma's hospitalization and the subsequent investigation being carried out against her parents for alleged child abuse.

A smiling couple holds a baby with a white heart covering its face.
The investigation against Anabel Pantoja and David Rodríguez continues its course | Instagram, @anabelpantoja00

A delicate situation that, as expected, has affected not only Anabel Pantoja and David Rodríguez but also Mercedes Bernal. Before giving birth, Merchi left Seville and settled with her daughter and son-in-law in the Canary Islands, a stay that lasted longer than she would have liked.

However, when the little one fully recovered, Mercedes Bernal returned to her home. A place where, days later, she received Anabel Pantoja, David Rodríguez, and little Alma.

Mercedes Bernal returns to social media with an emotional message for her granddaughter | Europa Press

Now, with this investigation still ongoing, Merchi has returned to her Instagram profile with a new and revealing post. In it, she has revealed how much her granddaughter means to her: "She has given me life these days."

Mercedes Bernal Returns to Social Media with a Message for Anabel Pantoja's Daughter: "My Princess Has Given Me Life"

After Alma fully recovered, Mercedes Bernal resumed her life in Seville. However, a few days later, she received a visit from Anabel Pantoja and her family.

Since then, all the loved ones of this well-known content creator have had the opportunity to enjoy the little one during the first trip of her life. Proof of this is the family gathering organized by Kiko Rivera over the weekend.

Mercedes Bernal wearing red glasses holds a baby in her arms in front of a background of green plants.
Mercedes Bernal says goodbye to her daughter and little Alma on Instagram | Instagram, @anabelpantoja00

Nevertheless, there is no doubt that the person who has spent the most time with Anabel Pantoja and the baby has been Mercedes Bernal. Now, despite her discretion, the influencer's mother has broken her silence next weekend after months without speaking out.

Through her Instagram profile, she has shared an emotional message directed at her daughter and, especially, her granddaughter. Merchi did not want to miss the opportunity to confirm all the rumors that have arisen around her and little Alma:

"My princess has given me life these days and I have been able to enjoy her and fulfill everything we promised... And we still have a few more visits," Mercedes Bernal wrote as a farewell.

Meanwhile, Anabel Pantoja has already announced that she plans to return to Seville very soon, a trip that will take place during the Easter holidays.

➡️ People

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