A gray-haired man with a beard is speaking on a television show with a colorful background and decorations, while the face of a woman with a serious expression is shown in a red circle.

Kiko Hernández Gives the Key to Discover the Mole Who's Selling Out Anabel Pantoja

Kiko Hernández has given in 'Ni que fuéramos' the key to discovering the mole who is selling out Anabel Pantoja

In Ni que fuéramos they have talked about the person who, according to Belén Esteban, is betraying Anabel Pantoja. The collaborator has assured that someone from her circle is leaking information to the media. Kiko Hernández, always direct, has uncovered the truth about this issue by providing the key to discover it.

"Belén Esteban begins to suspect that Anabel has a mole. These suspicions arise because only one television program is covering Anabel Pantoja and David Rodríguez's departure from the Canary Islands to Seville," María Patiño has assured. This exclusive media presence has raised all the alarms.

Two people sitting on a television set with a sign that says
Belén Esteban talks about Anabel Pantoja's mole | Canal Quickie

Belén Esteban has recalled how they realized the situation. "The program that was there was Vamos a ver, by Joaquín Prat, with a reporter who was doing her job and at that early hour there is never any press," she has confessed. This fact has been key to starting to point out possible culprits.

Kiko Hernández Speaks About the Person Who Has Betrayed Anabel Pantoja Live

One of the names that has come to light is Raquel Bollo. There has been speculation about her possible involvement in the leaks. However, she has distanced herself from the accusations and has denied having anything to do with it.

Despite this, Kiko Hernández has expressed his doubts: "I completely doubt her. In fact, she has been hired to talk about this issue and she has to earn favors to talk about it. She knows little about the information but has gone to the hospital and there are messages," the collaborator has pointed out.

Raquel Bollo.
Raquel Bollo is pointed out by Kiko Hernández | Canal Quickie, Europapress

But Kiko Hernández hasn't stopped there. He has assured that in the production company of Vamos a ver work two people close to Anabel Pantoja: Isa Pantoja and Raquel Bollo. This fact has added more suspicion to the debate.

Additionally, Kiko Matamoros has given his own theory. "I think it's someone who has given the information to Leticia Requejo," he has stated. However, Kiko Hernández has gone further and has provided the keys to discover it.

Kiko Hernández Provides the Key to Uncover the Person Who Is Selling Anabel Pantoja

According to Hernández, the person who has sold Anabel Pantoja must meet three requirements. Work at Vamos a ver, want to keep their job at all costs and have no qualms about betraying someone from their circle.

The image shows a pie chart with several people around it and the text
Kiko Hernández reveals the key to discovering the person who is selling out Anabel Pantoja | Canal Quickie

He hasn't given a specific name but has made it clear that the truth is close to coming to light. The main key to discovering the mole according to Kiko is that they work at Telecinco.

Meanwhile, on the program it has been assured that they are still waiting for the mole to make another mistake. "They are waiting for them to slip up again to catch them and say: 'We've caught you,'" Kiko Hernández has concluded. The hunt remains open.

➡️ People

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