Unusual moment of Patricia Pardo and Jesús Calleja on 'Vamos a Ver': 'I always dreamed...'
Jesús Calleja shares live with Patricia Pardo some details about his latest television adventure
Patricia Pardo and Jesús Calleja have starred this morning in one of the most unusual moments in the history of Vamos a Ver. All because of the latest confession shared by the adventurer during his visit to the show: "I always dreamed of being an astronaut."
The host of Planeta Calleja is about to embark on the most important adventure of his professional career. As confirmed, he is going to become the third Spaniard to travel to space, a journey he will undertake aboard the New Shepard spacecraft.

However, before making one of his dreams come true, Jesús Calleja didn't hesitate to share his excitement with the Telecinco audience.
This morning, the adventurer sat next to Patricia Pardo to reveal some details about his first and eagerly awaited trip to space. It was a moment when both engaged in an unusual conversation live on air.
As Jesús Calleja assured the host of Vamos a Ver, "since I was a child, I always dreamed of being an astronaut and going to space, and no one understood me." For this reason, for many years, his mother took him to therapy with a psychologist.

At this moment, and without mincing words, Patricia Pardo asked her guest if he is scared about his new adventure. He answered with a resounding "no":
"I have the training that my life is this. My life is taking on challenges that are complex, but since we're not crazy, I have a team that thinks about all the things that could go wrong. We always have a plan to counteract."
Patricia Pardo and Jesús Calleja star in an unusual conversation on Vamos a Ver
As an absolute fan of amulets, Patricia Pardo didn't want to miss the opportunity to ask Jesús Calleja if he is going to take any during his trip to space. "Look," he replied, pointing to his pendant, before telling her the story of the object:
"This is the first time I went to the Himalayas, I was 19 years old, and a Tibetan monk gave it to me. He said, 'In some way, these mountains have called you.' That marked me... I returned, I returned, I climbed Everest, I worked there as a guide."

After hearing this story, Patricia Pardo wanted to know if they "let him take that necklace" inside the spacecraft. Jesús Calleja replied with a "of course I can." He also took the opportunity to show her the rest of his amulets.
"Look, this was given to me by my best Tibetan friend.[...]This is real coral from when the very Everest...," the adventurer was explaining when the host of Vamos a Ver interrupted him to make a funny and unexpected threat.
"I mean, I'm going to steal it before you get on the rocket. You've sold me the amulets so well," Patricia Pardo assured her colleague, Jesús Calleja, with a laugh.
Meanwhile, the guest also shared with the Telecinco audience some curiosities about his trip to space. As he assured, in the spacecraft, he can carry "a bag that goes in a luggage compartment, and you can take anything that weighs less than one and a half kilos (3.3 pounds)."
This measure is taken because in space, he, who weighs 60 kilos (132 pounds), will weigh 350 kilos (772 pounds). Therefore, if he wears something that weighs more, and it "comes off," it would be "like a bullet inside the capsule."
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