José María Almoguera smiling with a beard and a nose ring appears in the foreground, while in the background, inside a red circle, Carmen Borrego can be seen with a serious expression.

José María Almoguera, Carmen Borrego's Son, Speaks Out About His Family Past

José María Almoguera, Carmen Borrego's son, Speaks Out About His Family Past Live on Air

José María Almoguera made his debut last Monday as a collaborator on TardeAR and did so with a major revelation about his family. Carmen Borrego's son commented on his aunt, Terelu Campos's participation in Supervivientes. But what has caught attention are his words about the breast cancer that the collaborator suffered in the past.

During his intervention, Almoguera confessed that he has seen a great change in Terelu since she has been on the reality show. He considers that she is focused on her work and that is why she has allowed herself to talk about her illness naturally. "It takes a lot of weight off her from the illnesses she has had," he stated on TardeAR.

A collage of images shows several people in a television studio setting with headsets and microphones, along with text introducing a new contributor to the show
José María Almoguera Debuts as a Contributor on "TardeAR" | Telecinco

José María Almoguera praised his aunt's effort on Supervivientes. "That she has gotten that far, that she has jumped from the helicopter... for me, she is a winner," he concluded.

José María Almoguera Speaks Out About His Family's Past

But what really surprised was his honesty about the topic of illnesses in his family. "This has always been a taboo in my house. Illnesses are not talked about, these things are not talked about," Almoguera revealed.

The collaborator was amazed by Terelu Campos's step forward: "That she has told it surprises me in a good way. You tell something when you have overcome it, I think it's good. That's when the topic came up," he explained.

A man in a brown jacket and checkered jersey speaking.
José María Almoguera Talks About the Illness Terelu Campos Went Through | Telecinco

For him, the fact that Terelu has opened up about her breast cancer is a sign of her bravery. "It's very brave to have explained it that way," he highlighted.

Despite his participation in TardeAR, Almoguera preferred not to make predictions about how long his aunt will remain in Honduras. He also did not want to predict whether she will last longer or shorter than his mother, Carmen Borrego. However, he did praise the effort of both: "I have seen both of them very well, I never imagined they would be able to do it."

José María Almoguera, Son of Carmen Borrego, Believes His Aunt Is Doing Well in the Competition

José María also valued the toughness of the reality show. "It's not just the jump. It's sleeping in the open, I think it's worthy of appreciation," Almoguera confessed.

A group of people sitting on a colorful television set with images of faces on screens behind them.
José María Almoguera is very proud of his aunt | Telecinco

"I have been told that it is a physically very tough reality show. As long as her body allows it, I think she will endure. Mentally she is very strong," he explained.

José María Almoguera's words have caused surprise. No one expected him to open up so much about the past of his media-savvy family, much less reveal that the topic of illnesses has been a taboo in his home. His debut on TardeAR did not go unnoticed and has caused a great media stir.

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