Pilar Eyre Reveals the True Health Condition of King Juan Carlos: 'He's Incapacitated'
The writer has provided clarity on Juan Carlos's true health condition and has addressed other aspects of his life
Juan Carlos, a key figure in Spain's history, has been at the center of numerous headlines since his abdication in 2014. After several years of reign, his departure from the public scene was marked by various controversies.
A fact that led to his move to Abu Dhabi, where he has resided since then. Although Juan Carlos's figure remains a recurring topic in the media, his private life, health, and personal relationships continue to be a mystery in many aspects.
This Wednesday, Pilar Eyre visited the program Tot es mou, hosted by Helena Garcia Melero. This way, the writer shed light on the true state of Juan Carlos's health and other aspects of his personal life.

Pilar Eyre Has Uncovered the True State of King Juan Carlos
During her intervention, Eyre spoke about the recurring speculations regarding Juan Carlos I's health. According to the journalist, constant rumors circulate about the emeritus king's physical deterioration, especially about his situation in Abu Dhabi.
However, Eyre has debunked some of this information. "Cyclical rumors run that he's very ill, that he's so bored in Abu Dhabi, that he's in bad shape... And I've spoken with very direct people, and the truth is they told me he doesn't have any alarming illness."
Despite these rumors, Eyre clarified that King Juan Carlos doesn't suffer from any serious illness in the short term. However, she acknowledged that he is in a compromised physical condition.
"He's impaired, his friends told me directly that he's impaired and uses a wheelchair, but he doesn't have any illness that could cause something in the short term." With these statements, everything suggests that there is no immediate danger to his health.

Juan Carlos Lives with Marta Gayà
Regarding his personal life, Pilar Eyre also addressed the emeritus king's relationship with Marta Gayà, one of his most well-known lovers. The journalist revealed that, despite the years that have passed, Gayà remains an important figure in Juan Carlos's life.
According to Eyre, the couple lives in Cologny, an exclusive locality near Geneva, Switzerland. There, they spend their days together in what seems to be a peaceful coexistence away from the spotlight.
There is no doubt that Marta Gayà's name is almost as famous as Queen Sofia's. Be that as it may, the relationship remains an integral part of the emeritus king's life, who seems to have found solace in her company in his later years.
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