The Money Sheila Devil Inherited From Camilo Sesto: 'she Could Go to a Bank And...'
An unexpected fact about the economic heritage that Sheila Devil inherited from Camilo Sesto is revealed.
After all the controversies she has been involved in over the past few days, a revealing fact has come to light regarding the money Sheila Devil inherited from Camilo Sesto. "She could go to a bank and ask for a million euros in mortgage," a well-known journalist from our country has confirmed.
There is no doubt that the situation of Lourdes Ornelas's daughter is increasingly worrying and dramatic. So much so that, after several weeks of being absent from social media, on February 25, all alarms went off around her.

As it was revealed that day, Sheila Devil was arrested in the early morning for drug possession and trafficking. The police caught Camilo Sesto's heiress in possession of 12 grams (0.42 oz) of cocaine, for which she was taken to the police station.
A blow that, as expected, has been especially hard for her mother, Lourdes Ornelas, whose concern for her daughter's state continues to grow.
Now, with this topic being fully current, many are wondering if the money Sheila Devil inherited from Camilo Sesto is in danger. A doubt that has just been solved by Luis Pliego, director of Lecturas.
A Fact About the Estate Sheila Devil Inherited from Camilo Sesto Is Revealed
According to exclusive information obtained by the aforementioned magazine, despite her not-so-recommendable lifestyle, the valuable estate she inherited from her father remains intact. All thanks to the role Lourdes Ornelas is playing.
As has been revealed over all these years, Sheila Devil is the sole heiress of the great fortune her father, Camilo Sesto, amassed throughout his life. A valuable estate, both economic and real estate, that now falls into her hands.

However, contrary to what many might think, the young woman still retains all the assets that were bequeathed to her after her father's death. A fact that is surprising, given her current personal situation.
Nevertheless, this would not have been possible without the strict control Lourdes Ornelas is exercising to keep Sheila Devil's inheritance intact.

She is the one in charge of looking after both her daughter's well-being and the preservation of her estate. Thanks to this strict management, Camilo Sesto's heiress can boast that the singer's legacy remains intact.
"There has been talk about the whole gang surrounding Sheila. The truth is that everything is intact, the inheritance is safe," journalist Luis Pliego has confirmed. So much so that, despite the controversies and her bad company, Sheila Devil "hasn't lost anything."
"The mother remains the sole administrator and oversees the accounts[...]She has her estate intact and could dispose of it tomorrow. She could go to a bank and ask for a million euros in mortgage."
However, despite being able to access her inheritance at any time, for now, Sheila Devil "hasn't done so." A detail that, according to the communicator, could be an indication that it is a matter she "is controlling."
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