A blonde woman with a serious expression appears in the foreground while another woman wearing a zebra print blouse is shown gesturing in a red circle.

No one expected the bad news that Belén Esteban has announced about Ana Rosa Quintana.

The words with which Belén Esteban has referred to the presenter Ana Rosa Quintana are surprising.

Ana Rosa Quintana returns today to Telecinco mornings almost a year and a half after she said farewell to the mentioned time slot. A change in Telecinco's schedule that has been analyzed by other media such as Ni que fuéramos. Belén Esteban, a collaborator of the mentioned show, gave bad news to Mediaset: "The family programs you're making aren't watched by anyone."

With these words, the one from Paracuellos insisted on her defense of the programs that some label as "trash TV." According to her, it is precisely this type of content that the audience likes and not what Telecinco currently offers in its schedule.

Editing of Belén Esteban with Ana Rosa Quintana
Belén Esteban has harshly criticized Mediaset's new strategy | Mediaset

The talk show guest, more sincere than ever, apologized for her words. "Forgive me for being so clear, forgive me," Belén insisted after revealing her opinion on Ana Rosa Quintana's change.

Belén Esteban questions Mediaset's decision to bet on family programs

The truth is that Esteban began her speech making clear what she thinks of the veteran Madrid journalist. "I've been with Ana Rosa for nine years and I have affection for her," assured Andrea Janeiro's mother. "What happens, and I'm going to say it very clearly, is that I don't like many indirect phrases they've made," she warned.

Belén spoke about the fact that some Telecinco shows omitted the name of the magazine where she worked for years when referring to information about the defunct program. "They didn't say Sálvame, they said 'that program'," the collaborator complained.

The one from Paracuellos believes that the public prefers "trash TV" to family programs | Mediaset

Then, María Patiño, presenter of Ni que fuéramos, wanted to clarify that it wasn't just Ana Rosa from TardeAR, but "it was all the programs" of the mentioned network.

Jesulín's ex, meanwhile, recalled that Mediaset, by canceling Sálvame and betting on TardeAR, was looking for "another type of television." This is how the audiovisual group made clear the line it wanted to mark from then on.

Mediaset made it clear that it wanted to eliminate "trash TV" from its schedule

Ana Rosa returns this Monday to the morning slot after the network has found that the expected results were not achieved in the afternoon slot. The Madrid native will once again be the presenter of the magazine she said farewell to in June 2023.

A new strategy that, according to Xelo Montesinos, founder and CEO of Unicorn Content and until now director of TardeAR, has been prepared in record time. Ana Rosa, meanwhile, seems delighted with the change: "It's true that my natural place is the morning, where I've been for 18 years." Words that show the presenter views the network's proposal favorably.

Capture of Ana Rosa Quintana dressed in blue on Telecinco's TardeAR
Ana Rosa Quintana begins a new phase this Monday on Telecinco mornings | Mediaset

It only remains to be seen if the audience supports this change or if Belén Esteban is right that what the public wants is shows like the defunct Sálvame.

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