Camilo Blanes with a dark cap and a serious expression in the foreground, next to a black and white image of a smiling Camilo Sesto with dark hair and a red mermaid superimposed.

Alarm Bells Ring for Camilo Blanes, Son of Camilo Sesto: 'that's Not My Mother'

Camilo Blanes manages to worry his loved ones with the latest confession he has made about his biological mother

All Alarms Go Off Again Around Camilo Blanes, All Due to the Unexpected Confession He Made About Lourdes Ornelas. "That Is Not My Mother," Camilo Sesto's Son Assured During His Latest Interview.

For months, the concern and helplessness of Camilo's loved ones have been progressively increasing. However, in recent weeks, this feeling has intensified considerably after the alarming decision he made.

Camilo Blanes and Camilo Sesto posing together and smiling at the camera.
Camilo Blanes makes an unexpected confession about his family | X

Camilo Blanes Decided to Delete His Instagram Profile, a showcase through which his mother could see what was happening inside the famous house in Torrelodones that he inherited from Camilo Sesto.

Now, he has once again become the center of attention after the latest and concerning interview he granted to Pronto. Through a video call, the mentioned magazine had the opportunity to find out how he is currently doing.

Person with red wig and striking facial expression.
Camilo Blanes claims that Lourdes Ornelas is not his mother | Instagram, @sheiladevil

However, what really set off the alarms was the revelation made by Camilo Blanes, also known as Sheila Devil, about the identity of his biological mother.

During this interview, the journalist from the mentioned media asked him about his complicated relationship with Lourdes Ornelas, at which point he made it very clear that "that is not my mother."

Camilo Blanes, Son of Camilo Sesto, Sets Off All Alarms

However, far from stopping there, Camilo Blanes assured that his real mother is not Lourdes Ornelas, but the singer of well-known songs like La gata bajo la lluvia. "I Am Rocío Dúrcal's Daughter," Camilo Sesto's Son Reiterated.

As expected, this response left the interviewer speechless, so much so that he could only react with a "how?". "That My Mother Is Rocío, That's...," Sheila Devil Told Him Again.

Rocío Durcal and Lourdes Ornelas in a photo montage, Rocío in the foreground and Lourdes in a red circle in the corner.
Camilo claims that his mother is Rocío Dúrcal and not Lourdes Ornelas | Europa Press

Words That the Communicator Quickly Reproached Camilo Blanes For. "Lourdes Is Fighting Hard for You," He Reminded Him. "She's Not My Mother... Don't Be Annoying," Camilo Sesto's Son Said, Visibly Angry.

However, this was not the only disagreement he had with his interlocutor. In fact, at one point in the interview, Sheila Devil Didn't Think Twice About Making an Important Reminder Related to His Gender Change.

"You Don't Get What I Am. You're Talking to a Woman, Not a Man[...]I've Never Been a Guy. I'm Getting the Urge to Stop Talking to You," Camilo Reprimanded the Journalist After He Referred to Him in the Male Gender.

Finally, Camilo Blanes Also Wanted to Deny the Rumors About His Latest Alleged Admission to a Detox Clinic: "I'm at Home. I Haven't Been Admitted Anywhere, That's False. I'm at Home, Very Calm."

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