Laura Cuevas in the foreground with a serious expression and a silence emoji covering people sitting in the background in an outdoor setting.

Total Silence on 'Survivors' with Laura Cuevas's Confession: 'It's Okay'

The 'Supervivientes' contestant has made a confession that shows what her journey in the reality show will be like.

Laura Cuevas is still adapting to her new life on an island just like the rest of the contestants of Survivors. Even so, the woman from Cádiz, throughout the first gala of the aforementioned reality show, has already made it clear what her character is like. Laura, with complete naturalness, revealed that she was the one who nominated Samya: "I nominated you; it's okay, we're in a competition," she explained without hesitation.

A group of people sitting on a wooden bench in a jungle setting, with Sandra Barneda speaking in a box on the right. Screenshot from 'Survivors'.
Sandra Barneda witnessed the confrontation between Laura Cuevas and Samya | Mediaset

Thus, what could be defined as the first major argument of the competition gradually escalated. It all started when the former Masterchef contestant wanted to know who had nominated her.

It was then that Laura Cuevas clarified that it was her. In response, Samya's reaction showed that the contestant didn't take it well. "Yes, shut up," she snapped in front of her fellow contestants.

Laura Cuevas Has Shown That She Is Not Willing to Keep Quiet in Survivors

Laura then confirmed that she was not willing to allow anyone to speak to her that way: "You don't tell me to shut up. You're the fake one, you don't know what you've come for, you're going to last here...," she stated.

Then the argument escalated with an exchange of reproaches and shouting included. While Samya maintained that her words were not meant with bad intentions, Laura questioned the way the contestant had referred to the group.

In the midst of this situation, it was Sandra Barneda, host of Survivors: Honduras Connection, who tried to steer the situation. The presenter decided to give Laura the floor to explain her version of what happened. What Barneda didn't count on was Samya's interruption.

A group of people consisting of Joshua Velázquez, Koldo Royo, Borja González, Álvaro Muñoz Escassi, Makoke, Laura Cuevas, Alex Adrover, and Samya Aghbalou sitting in a natural setting, some with thoughtful expressions and others with their eyes closed, all wearing similar necklaces on Supervivientes.
The tension among some of the contestants of "Supervivientes" has become evident just a few days after its premiere. | Mediaset

At that moment, the tension increased even more. "She asked me, wait your turn, rude," Laura defended herself. Words to which Samya replied again: "It also has to do with me, you're the rude one."

The truth is that this situation has made it clear that the distance between both participants of Survivors is a fact. Laura appeared confident in explaining that she doesn't have to warn about who her nominations will be.

Samya, meanwhile, clarified that it wasn't the nomination itself that bothered her, but her fellow contestant's reaction. "She took it badly, and it was a joke. I didn't say it in an excited manner," she concluded.

Sandra Barneda Was Forced to Intervene After Witnessing the Confrontation

However, the most delicate moment came minutes later when Samya insinuated that people with a certain weight can't do some challenges. "There are balance challenges, and there are people who weigh a lot, they can't do the balance, agility challenge..."

The comment caused a truly uncomfortable moment. In fact,
Sandra Barneda reacted immediately to what she had just heard from the contestant: "There are people who weigh a lot, was it meant as a double entendre?"

Samya Aghbalou with dark, straight hair wears a sleeveless olive green blouse and a necklace, posing in front of a vegetation background on Survivor.
Samya questioned the weight of some contestants when performing the tests | Mediaset

Thus, when Survivors hasn't even completed a week since its premiere, the tension among some of its contestants has already become noticeable. A situation that seems, far from being solved, will grow as the reality show progresses.

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