A bald man on a television set gestures while speaking, with two circular images of a woman and a man in the top right corner.

Kiko Matamoros finally reveals why Sara Carbonero decided to break up with Iker Casillas

Kiko Matamoros has revealed on 'Ni que fuéramos' why Sara Carbonero decided to break up with Iker Casillas

On the show Ni que fuéramos, they discussed the latest alleged romance of Iker Casillas. Recently, the former footballer has been linked to model Claudia Bavel, the young woman spoke recently on ¡De Viernes! and revealed details about her relationship with Iker Casillas. Although it was Kiko Matamoros who surprised everyone after revealing why Sara Carbonero decided to break up with Iker Casillas.

Kiko Matamoros intervened in Ni que fuéramos to give the latest update on the former player. His words were forceful. "This gentleman has been a big lie of the press," Kiko Matamoros confessed live.

A bald man in a dark suit is speaking on a television show, with a background that includes a kitchen and a blue sofa.
Kiko Matamoros drops the big bomb about Iker Casillas | Canal Quickie

"He was perfectly managed by his agent and there are things that can no longer be overlooked. Information has been covered up for this gentleman throughout his life. He has been a great protégé of Telecinco, we knew things and we couldn't tell them," Matamoros confessed.

Kiko Matamoros talks about the relationship between Iker Casillas and Sara Carbonero

Belén Esteban supported his words: "I agree with Matamoros, he had a bad image," the collaborator stated. The conversation heated up when María Patiño intervened. "You've implied that while he was with Sara, he didn't care about anything," the presenter said.

A bald man in a suit speaks on a television show while another man in a light jersey poses in front of a pink background with the text
Kiko Matamoros reveals that Iker had several relationships while he was with Sara Carbonero | Canal Quickie

At that moment, Kiko Matamoros dropped a bomb: "I can tell you that he had several relationships while he was with Sara Carbonero, including a friend of Terelu. He had this relationship for years," the collaborator assured. A confession that reveals why Sara decided to leave Iker Casillas: he was unfaithful on several occasions as Kiko Matamoros emphasized.

Iker Casillas had several romances while he was married to Sara Carbonero according to Kiko Matamoros

To everyone's surprise, Belén Esteban named the person. "Lara Dibildos," she said without hesitation. With these words, Belén Esteban uncovered the secret relationship Iker Casillas had during his marriage to Sara Carbonero.

Two women are sitting on a television set with a background of large windows and the
Belén Esteban reveals a secret relationship of Iker Casillas | Canal Quickie

Additionally, she revealed that his romance with Lara Dibildos lasted more than a year. "They had to go from hideout to hideout," she confessed. According to the collaborator, they both had a rather long and intermittent relationship.

The revelation has caused a great stir, and Iker Casillas's image has been called into question. Public opinion is divided, and many wonder how many truths have remained hidden about the former footballer. The story continues to make waves, and there are still more revelations to come.

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