Alexia Rivas appears in the foreground in a television studio, with a surprised face emoji overlaid on the image.

Shocking Announcement by Alexia Rivas on 'Vamos a Ver': 'The Worst about It is...'

Alexia Rivas has shared what is the situation Anabel Pantoja is experiencing that saddens her the most

The latest information about Anabel Pantoja suggests that the trial could take place sooner than initially expected. This news has been echoed in discussions on various platforms such as Vamos a ver on Telecinco. Alexia Rivas, a contributor to the aforementioned magazine, explained: "What saddens me the most is that there is a certain stigma that won't be erased."

The woman from León referred to the brands that have so far decided to pause their collaboration with Anabel Pantoja's niece. The truth is that the ongoing investigation has negatively affected the influencer's image. "Brands need people with very clean images," the panelist added, thus justifying the companies' decision.

Alexia Rivas speaking on a television show with a background image showing David Rodríguez and Anabel Pantoja leaving a building. Screenshot from 'Vamos a ver'
Alexia Rivas has pointed out that she feels sorry for the stigma that remains with Anabel Pantoja even if the case is dismissed | Mediaset

Alexia Rivas Admits What Saddens Her Most About Anabel Pantoja's Situation

Rivas focused on what will happen if the case is dismissed: "Anabel is not to blame," she hinted. At this moment, the judge handling the case is about to announce her decision. Either the case will be dismissed, or if the magistrate considers there is enough evidence to go to trial, a prosecution order will be initiated.

A couple -formed by Anabel Pantoja and David Rodríguez- hugging with a judge's gavel in the foreground.
The court decision will directly affect the trust that brands place in Anabel Pantoja | Instagram, @anabelpantoja00, Getty Images de DjMiko,

Antonio Rossi pointed out from the same Telecinco platform that the judge has requested a lot of evidence. Among them are the security camera recordings from the place where David and Anabel said everything happened, as well as a forensic analysis of the child's injuries.

Meanwhile Anabel and her boyfriend are waiting to learn the magistrate's decision, they are facing the consequences of this situation together. In addition to the legal and health issues of her child, Anabel Pantoja has seen how certain brands might have paused or even canceled the contracts they had in place.

The Judicial Decision Will Directly Affect Her Income as an Influencer

This was affirmed by Raquel Bollo on TardeAR: "What some have done is pause, always with a very good relationship, fully trusting her." These words implied that the companies are waiting for the outcome of this "very delicate matter" to "reactivate" again.

Beyond the companies' decision, the reality is that in these two months the influencer has seen her number of followers increase. Anabel, after her daughter's hospital discharge, continued to upload content to her social media profile. A gesture that shows she is still willing to maintain her activity as a content creator.

We will have to wait to know the outcome of this process to see if Isabel Pantoja's niece continues to see social media as a means of livelihood.

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