Adara Molinero and Luitingo posing together in front of a yellow background.

Adara Molinero Stops Pretending and Acknowledges the Situation with Luitingo: 'She Knew What She Was Getting Into'

Adara Molinero's most sincere words about Jessica Bueno's ex after learning about the latest thing he has done

Adara Molinero has surprised many by commenting on the well-known breakup of Luitingo and Jessica Bueno. The influencer posted a tweet on X in which she posed a question referring to the Sevillian singer.

"Luitingo knew what he was getting into. What did he think, that he was going to play house?" the former Survivor contestant hinted.

The television collaborator also questioned a relationship whose end was made to seem amicable when the reality would be very different. The Madrilenian, once again, has shown that she doesn't hold back what she thinks. For that reason, she hasn't hesitated to criticize Luitingo after some controversial audios emerged in which he talked about Jessica Bueno.

Adara Molinero Condemns Luitingo for What Has Been Revealed After Breaking Up with Jessica Bueno

Elena Rodríguez's daughter pointed directly at the GH VIP finalist for a fact that, according to her, defines him as a person. Adara Molinero, who called Luitingo "not much of a man," reminded the musician that he should have known what he was getting into knowing that for Jessica Bueno, her children are the most important.

The program Fiesta revealed the content of the controversial audios that would testify to a conversation between Luitingo and his mother. A chat in which the Andalusian confessed to having had a very hard time, as stated by the collaborator of the aforementioned program, Omar Suárez.

Capture of Luitingo angry as a guest of De Viernes on Telecinco
Adara Molinero doesn't hide her indignation after learning the content of the audios in which Luitingo can be heard. | Mediaset

After listening to Luitingo, it is his mother who "takes advantage of the situation and criticizes Jessica," the panelist emphasized. According to her, Bueno "hasn't known how to value her son."

Additionally, there are some words that especially hurt Jessica. Specifically, it is when she hears that Luitingo considers that she "spoils her children too much," Suárez noted.

"How could he talk about me and my children like that? What hurts me the most is that he talks about my children like that," insisted Kiko Rivera's ex in ¡De viernes!, very hurt.

The model couldn't understand how her former partner could talk about her like that. "The only thing I've done is support him, love him... It hurts because he knows how I've been through it, he was my best friend, my relief..." Jessica acknowledged, visibly affected.

Molinero Needed Few Words to Define Luitingo

Words with which she was sincere without hiding the pain and disappointment after hearing audios in which Luitingo referred to the reasons for their breakup.

The day after her appearance on Telecinco, the Sevillian replied to reporters' questions. Luitingo's ex expressed gratitude to her followers for the affection received after her interview.

Jessica Bueno crying with headphones on and text in the upper left corner indicating a date.
Jessica Bueno couldn't believe the words she was hearing from her ex | Telecinco

"I have felt very loved and supported. I have received thousands and thousands of messages," she assured, aware of the support her loyal followers have given her. Support that Adara Molinero also wanted to show with her post in which she strongly questions the attitude of Jessica Bueno's now ex-partner.

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