Maestro Joao with a serious expression and a silence emoji next to them.

Master João Confesses His Biggest Secret on 'Bake Off': 'I Bring You a…'

Master João has used RTVE and 'Bake Off' social media to confess his biggest secret

Master João has become one of the audience's favorite contestants on Bake Off: Famosos al Horno. Week after week, he has demonstrated his talent in baking, surprising with desserts full of creativity and color. Additionally, Master João is so beloved that he wanted to confess to all his followers: "I bring you a secret".

His charm and good energy have won over both the judges and the public, who have supported him in every episode of the show. Since the beginning of the competition, Master João has managed to win everyone's affection. Not only for his culinary skills but also for his unique charisma.

Maestro Joao in a denim jacket and bright green jersey is standing indoors with their hands clasped in front of their chest.
Master João is shining on "Bake Off" | TVE

He has successfully overcome each challenge, showing effort and dedication in every dish. His spontaneous style and connection with the audience have positioned him as one of the top favorites to reach the final.

Master João Confesses His Biggest Secret on Bake Off

Such is his impact that RTVE wanted to share a special moment of the psychic on their social media. Through the network's Instagram profile, they have published a video where Master João confesses one of his best-kept secrets. As it couldn't be otherwise, it had to do with magic.

"Hello, my little bees, friends. I bring you a wonderful witch secret to find and attract love," Master João began with his characteristic enthusiasm. His revelation has caused a sensation among his followers, who eagerly awaited to hear his special trick.

Maestro Joao in a bright pink coat smiles while raising a hand, with trees and a blurry sign in the background.
The best-kept secret of Master João | @rtve, Instagram

The psychic explained step by step how to perform this ritual. "It's very easy. You have to take a little honey and put it under your tongue," he detailed with his sweet and approachable tone.

But that wasn't all. For the spell to work, it must be done in front of a mirror. "Without swallowing that honey, you do it in front of a mirror and you have to say three times: 'love come to me'," he added with complete confidence.

Master João Gives the Key for His Spell to Work on Bake Off's Social Media

Finally, the key to completing the ritual is in the last action: "You swallow that honey and love comes to you". With this revelation, Master João has surprised all his followers, who have enthusiastically received his magical advice.

Maestro Joao in a bright green jersey and denim vest is standing indoors, with hands clasped and an alert facial expression.
Master João has won the affection of the public | TVE

The video has accumulated thousands of views in just a few hours. The comments didn't take long to appear. Everyone has applauded Master João's sincerity and good energy.

Meanwhile, Master João continues to shine on Bake Off. His energy, magic, and talent in the kitchen have made him a key part of the show. Will he continue to win over the audience with his charms? We'll have to see in the next episode.

➡️ People

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