A woman with a surprised expression on a television show, with a box showing another woman looking serious, against a pink background.

Surprise on 'tardear' After the Latest About Isabel Pantoja: 'she's Completely…'

Leticia Requejo has given the latest update on Isabel Pantoja on 'TardeAR,' surprising everyone present

The program TardeAR has uncovered news that has left everyone speechless. Isabel Pantoja is once again in the eye of the storm, this time due to a debt of 70,000 euros that she has kept hidden. The singer owes it to some very close friends who, according to them, their friendship: "Is completely broken".

Journalist Leticia Requejo has investigated the case and contacted the affected parties, a couple who call themselves 'Los Pantojo'. They have confirmed the debt and provided details of what happened. According to their version, they lent the money to Isabel some time ago.

A woman with large earrings is speaking on a television show with a pink background and text on the screen about a 70,000 euro debt.
Leticia Requejo confirms the latest about Isabel Pantoja | Telecinco

Since then, they haven't heard anything from her. "We haven't had any news. I think she has no interest at all," they declared exclusively for TardeAR.

TardeAR Unveils Exclusive Breaking News About Isabel Pantoja

The revelation has caused a great impact on the set; no one could imagine that Isabel had broken all ties with those who were her most loyal friends. The friendship between the singer and the couple has been completely destroyed.

A relationship that, according to close sources, seemed unbreakable. However, money has marked a turning point.

A woman on a stage with a microphone and another woman speaking on a television show with a colorful background.
Isabel Pantoja doesn't get in touch with "Los Pantojos" | Telecinco

'Los Pantojo' have stated that they need to recover their money. They have confessed that they have debts they need to settle. But the situation is complicated.

There are no legal documents to support the loan. There are only messages in which Isabel thanks them for the money received. "It's very difficult to prove because there are no papers, but there are some messages where Isabel even thanks them for that money," Leticia explained.

Surprise With What TardeAR Has Discovered About Isabel Pantoja Live

The audience reacted with astonishment; most couldn't believe that Isabel had broken the friendship with them after receiving financial help. On the set, opinions were varied; some defended the artist, arguing that there might be other reasons behind her silence. Others criticized her attitude, asserting that she should have shown a minimum of consideration.

A smiling woman on a television show with on-screen text mentioning a debt of 70,000 euros.
Leticia Requejo criticizes Isabel Pantoja's attitude | Telecinco

The news has caused a great stir on social media. Many of the singer's followers have expressed their disappointment. Meanwhile, Isabel Pantoja remains silent, having made no statements on the matter.

Her entourage has also chosen not to comment. The uncertainty continues to grow. No one knows if the singer will face the situation or if the couple will have to resign themselves to losing that money forever.

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