Montage of a snowy road with cars covered in snow and a car splashing water as it passes

Official: Meteocat Warns of the Regions Where It Will Snow and Rain the Most in Catalonia

Meteorologists have identified the regions that will receive the most rain and snow in the coming hours.

Meteocat no longer has doubts about the weather in the coming hours. Between this Friday and Saturday, a cold front will arrive in Catalonia, bringing a drop in temperatures and also precipitation. Some will be in the form of rain and others, snow.

The latter are the most anticipated, especially due to the amount expected to fall. Starting this Friday afternoon, the first snowfalls will begin to cover the Catalan Pyrenees from west to east. However, on this occasion, Meteocat issues alerts where snow is expected to fall more heavily.

The snowfall will begin in the Western Pyrenees early this Friday afternoon. The regions of the Aran Valley, Pallars Sobirà and Jussà, Alta Ribagorça, Alt Urgell, and Solsonès will inaugurate the white map. Subsequently, rain warnings were activated in Cerdanya, Berguedà, and Ripollès.

People walking along a boardwalk, with logos of rain and cold
In some regions, they will receive a lot of snow, while in others, what they will notice most is the cold. | Europa Press

One of the most significant snowfalls of the winter

The snowfalls will start at an altitude of around 3,937 ft. (1,200 meters). But as the night progresses, the front will move eastward and lower the altitude. In this regard, Meteocat assures that it could snow at altitudes as low as 2,297 ft. (700 meters).

It will be from Saturday morning when snow falls more generally across the Catalan Pyrenees. This time, the eastern part could record the most considerable and dense accumulations of the winter. Hence, Meteocat has included Ripollès, Cerdanya, Garrotxa, Alt Empordà, and Gironès in the snow warnings.

It will also snow, although with less intensity, between Vallès Oriental and Osona. Baix Empordà will have to settle for intense showers throughout the morning of a tumultuous and wet Saturday. Finally, the rains will move to Maresme, Vallès Occidental, Barcelonès, and Bages.

A woman with glasses and a surprised expression points to a thermometer with a snowflake, indicating low temperatures in a snowy mountain landscape.
Temperatures will drop significantly in the coming hours. | Europa Press, Dean Drobot,

Precipitation will not reach all regions

Meanwhile, in a more northern and eastern part, heavy rain and snow will be falling, on the other side, the sun will reign. This is the case in Ponent and the southern Catalan coast. Especially in Les Terres de l'Ebre, where the sun will prevail over any cloud.

By Saturday afternoon, the map will relax much more, and although there will still be precipitation in the north, it will be lighter. On Sunday, it will no longer snow in any region, and there will barely be any residual clouds. The sun will come out to warm all the corners that have been frozen after a full winter weekend.

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