A smiling woman in a yellow T-jersey stands in front of a Movistar store.

No One Expected Movistar to Silence So Many Critics After What Happened: Speechless

Movistar continues to gain mobile lines despite the significant decline experienced by the other major operators

Movistar continues to demonstrate that it is a company to be reckoned with in the telecommunications world. The latest data released by the National Commission on Markets and Competition (CNMC) make it clear that the company remains a leader in the sector. The statistics for November confirm that Movistar has not only managed to maintain its customer base but has also gained net mobile lines.

It was the only major operator to achieve positive portabilities in November, with a gain of 5,358 mobile lines. This figure is noteworthy when compared to the results of its main competitors. Vodafone and Orange (MasOrange), meanwhile, lost 56,471 and 47,248 mobile lines, respectively.

These numbers reflect a negative trend for both companies. They fail to attract as many new customers as Movistar, despite their efforts to maintain their market share.

Background image of a phone in some hands and another of a Movistar logo
Movistar obtained a positive balance of mobile lines in November | Europa Press, Leung Cho Pan

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However, the true leader in terms of mobile line growth is Digi. This operator has been surprising the sector in recent years. It gained 69,242 mobile lines in November, allowing it to maintain its position as one of the most relevant players in the Spanish market.

Despite its success, its market share remains considerably smaller than that of Movistar, which maintains a fairly solid customer base.

Regarding the total number of mobile lines in Spain, the year-on-year growth was 2.8%. This means that the market continues to expand. In total, the number of mobile lines reached 61.2 million units.

Montage with the Movistar logo, an exclamation and a mobile phone in one hand
The Telefónica operator demonstrates once again that it remains a reference | Dasha Petrenko, Movistar

Of this total, 41.92% corresponds to MasOrange, which remains the leading operator in terms of market share. Movistar ranks second with 26.37%, while Vodafone is in third place with 19.48%. Digi, meanwhile, maintains a market share of 9.2%.

Despite the growing competition from operators like Digi, Movistar continues to demonstrate that it has a significant role in the mobile sector. The company has not only managed to maintain a loyal customer base but has also been able to continue adding new lines. This is not easy in an environment where other operators, like Vodafone and Orange, are losing ground.

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