The mayor of Berga, Ivan Sànchez i Rodriguez, smiling in a white shirt and red collar on a street with old buildings.

Berga, the City That Exposes CUP's Naivety Toward Crime

Neighbors and merchants have protested against the growing insecurity in the municipality

Berga, a city of 17,000 inhabitants in the heart of inland Catalonia, is one of the historical strongholds of the CUP. In fact, it is, along with Girona, the last town hall where they managed to retain their government in the last municipal elections. This week, 200 residents and shopkeepers took to the streets fed up with so much insecurity.

A Mossos d'Esquadra agent in front of a door with a green sign.
The squatting has increased insecurity in the city | E-Noticies

The CUP has championed the most extreme benevolence in Catalonia, in matters such as public safety. But even the CUP mayor of Berga has changed his discourse. He recently called for a change in the laws to curb repeat offenses.

Similarly, the mayor of Girona, Lluc Salelles, ended up deploying more police and requesting more resources to curb violence in the city. These are two examples that demonstrate, on one hand, the benevolence of the CUP all these years. But also the current change in position of parties like the CUP and entities that until now practiced this benevolence.

Like Òmnium Cultural, which has joined the demonstration against crime in Berga. This has caused much surprise since this entity has defended and continues to defend benevolent positions on security and immigration.

Unity Against Crime

Residents, shopkeepers, parties, and entities of Berga united on Tuesday to say enough to the growing insecurity in the municipality. In a statement, they oppose uncivil behaviors that go against the values of the city. They positively value the work of the police, but regret that "it is not enough" and call for "reviewing the legislation" to protect citizens.

They believe it is urgent to promote new laws to address repeat offenses and squatting. Likewise, they call for speeding up judicial activity to end criminal impunity.

The town hall and entities have committed to working hand in hand to eradicate violence in the streets. However, they also call for "not essentializing" security to spread "hate speeches and false rumors."

Reflection of What Is Happening in Catalonia

Berga is a reflection of the growing insecurity that Catalonia has been experiencing for years. It is partly a consequence of the benevolence of parties like the CUP, which have created spaces of impunity, for example, by justifying and legitimizing squatting. Or by claiming that there was no crime problem but rather rumors fueled by the far right.

Now that the phenomenon has exploded and the left is losing voters en masse, these parties are rushing to rectify. This is what is happening in Girona or Berga, municipalities that demonstrate the benevolence of the CUP and its consequences.

➡️ Politics

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