Cold Water on the Snow in the Mountains of Catalonia: 'Don't Be Fooled...'
Despite the snowfall in recent months in Catalonia, meteorologists have issued a warning message
The last few weeks have been key to increasing snow levels in the Catalan mountains. In fact, last Saturday many regions once again received a renewed white blanket. Unfortunately, despite the snow making an appearance this winter, experts have issued a new warning.
Snowfalls have been quite frequent these weeks, but although a lot of snow is falling, it is not enough. At least that's how some experts explain it, who have recommended reviewing the historical accumulations in the Pyrenees. "Don't be fooled," they warn, as the truth is that there is still a lot of room to talk about major snowfalls.
Normally at this time of year, the thickness of the snowfalls had always been greater. Now, one has to settle for what falls and, even so, thank the heavens. The drought is also noticeable in the Pyrenees and in mountains that could still bear the weight of more white blanket.

They Warn of the Lack of Snow in the Pyrenees
As can be seen in the publication by @SeguimlaMeteo, there is a lack of snow in the entire Pyrenees. They highlight points like the Bonaigua pass, where it currently accumulates a thickness of 3 ft. 3 in. (99 cm) and should be at 4 ft. 11 in. (150 cm). The same happens in Certascan with 2 ft. (62 cm) and a historical of 4 ft. 4 in. (132 cm), and in Boí with 1 ft. 7 in. (48 cm) and the margin up to 2 ft. 5 in. (73 cm).
In the Cadí, the figures fluctuate between the current 1 ft. 3 in. (37 cm) and the 2 ft. 5 in. (73 cm) they should have. Meanwhile, in Núria the difference is notable, with barely 2 in. (5 cm) compared to the 10 in. (25 cm) there would be if everything were normal. These figures are not usually presented, and the truth is that they show a worrying reality.
All of this is also due to snowfalls that have arrived too late. In places like Boí in the middle of December, the snow was scarce. The ski resorts had to use artificial snow to satisfy skiers' desire to descend slopes.

Waiting for More Snowfalls
The Aran Valley, and therefore the Baqueira station, has been one of the areas most benefited by the snowfalls this winter. There, the thicknesses are considerable, and they can boast of being in good health. However, the map shows that this is not the usual trend and that it is necessary for it to keep snowing.
There is still a lot of winter left, so new snowfalls could arrive. In any case, it is difficult to make up the difference in thicknesses in most points of the Pyrenees. A pity and a reality equally large.
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