Major surprise at Barça after what happened with Nico González: 'We had been told that he was...'
Nico González signs for Manchester City and causes a last-minute news earthquake at Barça
Nico González, Galician midfielder trained at Barça, is already a new player for Manchester City after leaving Porto on the last day of the winter transfer market. Barça still held some rights over Nico González, but the truth is that, in these last hours, the surprise has been huge in the offices of the Catalan city. Barça expected to receive an amount for Nico González, but after the deal was closed between City and Porto, the result has been as unexpected as it is surprising: everyone is amazed.
Pep Guardiola needed a midfielder and, practically on the last day of the transfer market, Manchester City brought him Nico González, a Porto player trained at Barça. Barça sold Nico González a few summers ago for 8.5 million euros, and the club kept 40% of a future sale of the Galician. Nico González has gone to Manchester City, and the English paid €60M, so Barça expected to receive about €24M, but it hasn't been so.
The reason is that Barça and Porto included a clause that hadn't been leaked and that the club has recalled in these last hours of the transfer market. This clause stated that Porto could buy an extra 20% of Nico González's rights by paying €3M, something that was completed, leaving Barça with 20%. With all this, Manchester City paid €60M and Barça only gets 20% of the total operation, which leaves them with a profit of 13 million euros.
Huge surprise at Barça after Nico González's situation: "We were told it was..."
With all this, after the agreement between Manchester City and Porto was closed, Barça already knows that they will only receive 13 million euros for Nico González, but that's not all. It should be remembered that Barça already received about 8.5 million for Nico González a few summers ago, so Barça has ended up making 25 million from the Galician midfielder.
To these 8.5 million, we must also add the sale of the other 20% of Nico González's rights, for which Porto paid 3 million as we explained in "e-Notícies". Another protagonist of the operation between Manchester City and Porto, which also affects Barça, is Jorge Mendes: the agent will receive 10% of the €60M transfer for mediation.
At Barça, they have taken this news very badly, as they expected to make a good profit from an operation that has ended up being somewhat complex and particular. "We were told we had 40%", recall sources from Barça, who assure that this contract was signed by Mateu Alemany, an executive who is not at Barça for the benefit of Deco.
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