Junts Prepares Their Final Offensive Against Pedro Sánchez: Amnesty or Nothing
PSOE Will Only Be Able to Complete the Legislature if There Is a Political Reinstatement of Carles Puigdemont
Carles Puigdemont devised a perfect plan before giving his seven votes for Pedro Sánchez's investiture. Junts would use its position of strength in each vote in Congress to force PSOE to make concessions. The priorities were investments in Catalonia, Catalan in Europe, and above all, amnesty.

Junts's diabolical strategy has condemned PSOE to having to survive in an infernal legislature. The heart-stopping negotiations and the budget shipwreck are joined by the latent threat of a motion of no confidence. The worst is yet to come, because Junts will not be satisfied with everything obtained so far.
The agreements for the transfer of immigration competencies and the distribution of unjoined minors have not tamed the beast. Just when PSOE thought they had the situation under control, Junts broke ranks this Thursday by voting alongside PP and Vox against the State Health Agency. It is a wake-up call just before Junts's offensive to achieve what really matters to them, amnesty for Carles Puigdemont.
Junts Prepares a Final Offensive
The stagnation of amnesty in the courts has been a setback that Junts is not willing to overlook. After resolving other important issues, they are ready to tackle the definitive negotiation for the real application of amnesty. They warn that a visit from Pedro Sánchez to Waterloo will not be enough, which also comes late.
In PSOE, they acknowledge that the relationship has deteriorated since the approval of amnesty and its non-application by the judges. Since then, Junts has systematically voted with PP to overturn one important government law after another. This condemns Pedro Sánchez to an endemic weakness that prevents him from developing government action with the forcefulness that the moment requires.
But the socialists try to be optimistic and believe that the incompatibility with Vox will prevent the post-convergents from supporting a motion of no confidence. This will allow them to govern until 2027, even if it means dragging their feet. Junts is preparing a final offensive that will mark a turning point in the legislature, and it has to do with amnesty.
Amnesty or Motion of No Confidence
Carles Puigdemont assumed the presidency of Junts in October but doesn't act as the leader of the opposition in Catalonia. His role has been blurred by the non-fulfillment of amnesty, which would allow him to return to Catalonia to start his race toward the Generalitat. That's why his entire strategy of wearing down PSOE is aimed at a final assault.

Míriam Nogueras confirmed this week that in the next meeting with PSOE in Brussels, they will open the amnesty file. They believe the time has come to give a real ultimatum to the socialists - either amnesty or motion of no confidence. The post-convergents are clear that without the political restitution of Carles Puigdemont, Pedro Sánchez can't finish the legislature.
In Junts, they believe that fulfilling this commitment will culminate Junts's perfect plan with Pedro Sánchez. Many now criticize Puigdemont for supporting the socialist government in Madrid, but everything will change when amnesty is really applied. Meanwhile, while ERC sinks, Junts will be reborn with a reinstated Puigdemont and Sánchez's concessions as a bounty to offer their voters.
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