A man is reclining in a motorized wheelchair with a monitor in front of him and a breathing tube connected, while he is on a busy street.

The Decline of BCN: They Attempt to Steal the Machines That Allow Jordi Sabaté to Live

Users Lament the Unstoppable Social Degradation of Barcelona

Jordi Sabaté Pons, a native of Barcelona, is one of the most well-known activists for the rights of people with ALS. He himself suffers from the disease, having started to notice symptoms at the age of thirty. Since then, he opened a YouTube channel and became very well-known for his harsh criticisms of political parties.

His voice was one of the most prominent in promoting and approving the ALS law on October 31, 2024. That same year, he received the Cross of Sant Jordi "for his determination and tireless fight to achieve more visibility and resources for ALS patients."

With nearly 125,000 followers on social media, Jordi Sabaté's words are taken very seriously. However, his latest public complaint doesn't reflect well on Barcelona. "I am infinitely disgusted by what my beloved Barcelona has become," Sabaté laments after the episode he experienced.

Uniform of a Mossos d'Esquadra agent with the word
Security Is Still a Problem in Barcelona | Mossos d'Esquadra

More Episodes of Degradation

As he himself explained through social media, last Saturday he was almost robbed in Barcelona. The great risk lies in the fact that, as he himself denounces, he carries his personal belongings along with the machines that allow him to live. "If you rob me, I will stop breathing," he says directly to the pickpockets.

"I have lived in Barcelona for 41 years, my whole life. Today, when getting out of a taxi in the center of Barcelona, a pickpocket was going to steal things from the cart where I carry my life support machines. A good man alerted us. I am infinitely disgusted by what my beloved Barcelona has become," Sabaté narrated with the help of a computer that allows him to communicate:

This message has reached more than 650,000 views and has served as a reminder for many of the degradation of Barcelona in terms of security. Among users, there is a great nostalgia for a time when such decadent episodes were not seen.

"Barcelona has changed a lot in recent years and I don't like it, and I'm not just talking about security, but also about places and locations that used to be very good." "Yesterday I helped stop a robbery in the middle of a supermarket at a very busy hour." "It was for me the best city in Spain, and for years now it has been in total decline," users lament.

➡️ Politics

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