A group of people gathers in the street, some clapping while a tall man in a blue jacket interacts with them.

VIDEO: Xavier García Albiol Evicts a Squatter and Is Applauded by Neighbors

Albiol Beats the Squatters Again: 'In the Next Legislature He Will Win All the Seats'

The mayor of Badalona, Xavier García Albiol, doesn't have an absolute majority by chance. His political strategy has been simple and very aligned with municipal reality. His priorities are security, cleanliness, and coexistence. Parallel to this, Mayor Albiol uses social media to communicate directly with his neighbors and followers.

Xavier García Albiol with a blue suit and red tie in front of a Catalan flag and a shield of Badalona
Albiol Has an Absolute Majority | ACN

The examples have been constant, and the latest one has again been related to squatting, which is a significant problem in Catalonia. As the mayor explained, last Saturday a squatter forcibly entered an apartment in the Remei neighborhood. Like so many other squatters who have become professional criminals, this squatter was demanding 3,000 euros to leave the property.

After the neighbors organized a protest in front of the building, Mayor Albiol, as usual, showed up. In fact, Albiol even confronted the squatter directly. Likewise, later in the evening, the mayor announced that "we're not going to leave here until the squatters leave":

Albiol Wins the Game Again

In the end, the pressure from the neighbors and the municipality managed to get the squatter to voluntarily leave the apartment yesterday. In another message through social media, Mayor Albiol celebrated the success and explained that "as long as the laws continue to protect them, in Badalona we will continue to confront them." Likewise, Albiol wanted to acknowledge the work of his government team and the Badalona Urban Guard:

In an impromptu speech to the neighbors, who were enthusiastically congratulating the mayor, Albiol said, "that's why you voted for me." Certainly, Albiol's case is explained by the cross-cutting nature of his discourse, especially at a time when public disorder is rampant. For this reason, Albiol garners a lot of political sympathy, even among the indepes sectors.

"Differences with him, all of them, but here very well," "How sad that I have to agree with someone from the PP," say pro-independence users on social media. Although the majority sentiment has to do with the upcoming municipal elections. "In the next legislature, Albiol will get all the seats in Badalona," users predict.

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