Medium close-up of Meritxell Batet in profile sitting in the chair of the president of the Congress

Meritxell Batet Won't Be President of Congress

He will step aside to appease the separatists

First Message from PSOE to Its Potential Government Partners. Meritxell Batet, a figure heavily criticized by the separatists, is stepping down from running for re-election as President of Congress. With ten days to go before the formation of Congress, the socialists are now seeking an alternative candidate.

According to El Confidencial, this is a personal decision by Meritxell Batet herself. The number one of PSC in Congress has decided to step aside to not hinder the investiture negotiations.

Podemos, ERC, and Junts Against Batet

The formation of the Congress Board and its presidency will be the first test of the negotiations for Pedro Sánchez's investiture. It is no secret the rejection that Meritxell Batet generates. In fact, the separatists had subtly demanded her head as the first concession.

Batet steps aside | ACN

Even Podemos had exerted significant pressure against the former president. In the purple formation, they pointed to the sacrifice of Meritxell Batet as a declaration of intent for the negotiations. The message from leaders like Pablo Echenique was clear: if Pedro Sánchez wants to be president, Batet has to go.

The resentment of Podemos, ERC, and Junts toward Batet stems from their differences in the way of conducting parliamentary debates. Podemos accuses her of lacking firmness in curbing Vox's verbal excesses. Meanwhile, the separatists accuse her of not allowing Catalan in the chamber.

Who Will Preside Over Congress

Meritxell Batet's step aside is also a tactical move by PSOE to retain the presidency of the chamber. In recent days, pressures have increased for the next president of Congress to be a separatist or a nationalist. This proposal also has the approval of Sumar.

First concessions to independence movement | Europa Press

The socialists have already agreed for Junts and ERC to have their own group in Congress. And now they are considering offering a position for the separatists on the Board in exchange for leaving the presidency to a socialist. Esquerra has already expressed its willingness.

PSOE's efforts are now focused on finding a name. Names like Carmen Calvo or Félix Bolaños appear in the pool, but Pedro Sánchez's idea is for it to be someone from PSC again.

toward Pedro Sánchez's Investiture

It should be remembered that the Congress Board is made up of nine members. Although it is not directly related, the formation of this body does provide some initial clues about the formation of the new government. The presence of the separatists will be key to knowing how the negotiations progress.

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