El pacte entre Junts i el PSOE no frenarà l’arribada massiva de ‘menes’ a Catalunya POLITICS

We've Been Deceived: The Junts-PSOE Pact Won't Stop the Massive Arrival of 'Menas'

Predictably, Catalonia will continue to be the community that hosts the most 'menas'

24 hours is how long it took us to uncover the fraud that is the pact between Junts and PSOE regarding the distribution of "menas" currently accumulating in the Canary Islands.

Yes, out of the 4,400 currently in the Canary Islands, Catalonia will only receive 20 or 30. What they haven't explained to us is that this won't stop the massive arrival of individuals to our home.

It turns out that 99% of the unjoined foreign minors arriving in Catalonia don't come through the distribution channel. They come through other alternative routes. In practical terms, the agreement between Junts and PSOE is smoke.

In total, Catalonia will continue to be the community that hosts the most "menas". Because, let's not forget, it is the community that provides the most aid to these young people. A fact that creates an obvious pull effect. For example, Catalonia is one of the few communities where these young people can receive benefits until they are 23 years old.

Meanwhile, some shout that we want to welcome, the Generalitat will continue spending more than 115 million euros annually to host individuals, only for us to end up with hundreds sleeping poorly in police stations.

In summary, the hypocrisy and business that some make around this phenomenon won't end with this agreement between Junts and PSOE.

➡️ Politics

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