Sex Education in Kindergarten: The Measure That Has Outraged the Opposition
PP and Vox have reacted to the motion to implement it in the 2025-2026 academic year
Last week's parliamentary activity in Catalonia left a controversial motion that went unnoticed by the main media outlets. PSC, ERC, Comuns and CUP voted in favor of providing comprehensive sexual education in early childhood and primary education starting next school year. Only PP, Vox and Aliança Catalana voted against it.

This is a proposal that the previous ERC government already included in the 2022 and 2023 decrees to regulate the content of early childhood and primary education. PSC is now reviving the proposal and is committed to making it effective.
It is not only another demonstration of PSC's continuity with Pere Aragonès's government. It also shows submission to its partners ERC and Comuns on ideological issues that polarize the parliamentary spectrum.
The leader of Catalan PP, Alejandro Fernández, burst out with a more than eloquent phrase: "Leave the children alone for once and for all." Vox called it "disgusting" and warned that "we are not going to allow it."
This is an issue that has already caused debate in Spain, with the proposal from conservative parties to create the parental pin. It was a proposal precisely from Vox to allow parents to veto their children from certain school activities. This is especially true regarding ideological and sexual diversity subjects.
Arguments in Favor
In this case, PSC is committed to introducing "affective-sexual" education in courses for children aged three to six years. The goal is to promote "the development of children regardless of stereotypes and roles based on sex, sexual orientation and gender identity." It also aims to "foster the construction of a positive, equal and healthy sexuality."
Supporters of this proposal believe that comprehensive sexual education at an early age is positive for several reasons. For example, promoting the discovery of sexuality without discrimination based on orientation or gender identity. But also to introduce children to sexual and reproductive rights.
Its supporters claim that this teaches them to prevent unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. And even to identify and prevent abuse. Likewise, they learn from a young age to establish sexual relationships based on equality and respect.
Outraged Opposition
But the measure also generates much opposition from those who believe it is another step in the ideological indoctrination of the youngest. They believe that comprehensive sexual education is nothing more than a cover to brainwash children with topics like abortion or gender identity.
PP deputy Montserrat Berenguer expressed support for sexual education, but with two caveats. One, the importance of considering the age and maturity of the children. The other, the lack of material on sexual abuse prevention which should be one of the priorities in this case.
Julia Calvet pointed out ERC's "sinister insistence" on children's sexuality. And she asked not to confuse sexual education with ideological indoctrination. Aliança Catalana directly asked ERC "if they have gone crazy" by introducing these topics at such an early age.
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