Pro-Criminal Entities Use Parliament to Insult Prison Officials
Prison Workers Urge the Justice Counselor to Condemn These Serious Accusations
The association of prison officials, Marea Blava, denounces the "farce" into which the Justice Commission of Parliament turned on March 20. According to the officials, it was "shameful and lamentable" the string of "gratuitous accusations and humiliations" from some of the speakers.
In particular, they refer to Iñaki Rivera, director of OSPDH, and Gracia Amo, spokesperson for the Association of Families of Prisoners of Catalonia. These two speakers participated on behalf of eleven other associations. In fact, Marea Blava emphasizes that several parliamentary spokespersons had to intervene to prevent "the verbal lynching."
Among the serious accusations made against the professionals is, for example, that of Gracia Amo, who, regarding the management of prisoners with dual pathologies, says that "the officials are not prepared." Likewise, penitentiary sources point out to E-Notícies that Gracia Amo made statements that are manifestly false. She said, for example, that the prison garden was closed because a female officer "was bitten by a spider," but these penitentiary sources explain that it was closed simply because "a kitchen was built."
Among other accusations, it was said that the officials torture the prisoners, that more prison officials are not needed, and that there are all kinds of arbitrariness that politicians and officials refuse to clarify. "Why do they oppose the creation of an investigation into something scandalous like this figure[of alleged mechanical restraints]?" said Rivera.

Criticism of García Berrio (Comuns)
In their statement, the officials express disbelief at the presidency of the commission, which was held by the Comuns deputy, Andrés García Berrio. "This criminalization and scolding of parliamentarians should have been corrected by the president of the commission." Meanwhile, Marea Blava announces that they will inform President Rull of the situation experienced in Parliament.
In passing, they take the opportunity to thank the "interventions in defense of the honorability of the workers" from several parliamentary groups. Among them, they highlight the interventions of PSC, Junts, and PP. "Deplorable once again the ERC deputy, Anna Balsera, and predictable the deputies of Comuns and CUP."
Finally, the officials expect a clear statement from Councilor Espadaler. "The first to be responsible for the defense of penitentiary workers and the prestige of the penal execution services is the Minister of Justice," the workers conclude.
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