A person speaking at a podium with a wooden background.

CUP Encourages Attacks on Police in Salt from Parliament's Platform

Sílvia Orriols has asked Parliament to investigate Laure Vega's statements.

The tension in Salt has moved to Parliament, in the plenary session this Wednesday. CUP deputy Laure Vega has encouraged from the speaker's platform the Muslims who have attacked the police with stones. Aliança Catalana deputy Sílvia Orriols has asked the chamber to investigate her statements.

A group of police officers in riot gear is standing next to a police van with blue lights on a tree-lined street at night.
Mossos d'Esquadra Last Night, in Salt | EFE

It happened during the discussion on the modification of the Catalan law for the promotion of peace. The CUP deputy recalled the combative tradition of the Catalan people to justify the disturbances. She applauded and encouraged with her words what is happening in Salt.

We are talking about two consecutive nights of street riots, and stone and object attacks against the Mossos d'Esquadra. The trigger was the eviction of a sub-Saharan imam who had not paid rent for five years. He was caught trying to squat the apartment again, and this has been the start of two nights of incidents.

CUP Applauds the Riots in Salt

The CUP deputy quoted comedian Manel Vidal. He said in a tweet that "in Catalonia throwing stones at the police and burning containers is a cultural fact of our own." He also congratulated the Muslim community of Salt "for your full integration," and set them as an "example."

This deputy's intervention provoked the anger of Sílvia Orriols. The leader of Aliança Catalana requested the president of the chamber, Josep Rull, "to investigate the statements." She considers it very serious to applaud and congratulate those who "put the integrity of our agents at risk."

The president of the chamber sidestepped and referred Orriols to the Deputy Statute Commission. Thus concluded the clash that we will see if it has more consequences, but that makes clear the position of some and others.

He Didn't Pay Rent Nor Was He Vulnerable

The left believes that what happened in Salt is a case of real estate speculation and institutional racism. But the evicted imam did not pay rent nor met the vulnerability requirements. Even so, the city council tried to mediate and has granted social housing to the imam and his family without the required vulnerability criteria.

The disturbances applauded by the CUP have resulted in damage to several vehicles, urban furniture, and containers. In addition to the coexistence problems toward the neighbors and the affront to authority and the breach of public order.

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