Two men in a debate in a parliamentary setting with an audience in the background.

High Tension Between Alejandro Fernández and Salvador Illa: 'Leave the Children Alone'

The Popular Deputy Considers It 'Nauseating' to Impart Sexual Education to Three-Year-Old Children

Escalation of Tension in Catalonia's Parliament Due to a Strong Intervention by Alejandro Fernández. The PP leader has reproached the President of the Generalitat, Salvador Illa, for his commitment to introduce comprehensive sexual education in kindergartens starting next school year. The issue has sparked a heated discussion between the two in this morning's parliamentary session.

This time Alejandro Fernández has abandoned irony to harshly attack the plans of the socialist government and its partners. Plans that involve teaching sexual education to three-year-old children. "Have you lost your mind, Mr. Illa?" the popular deputy exclaimed.

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"You can accept that not all of your opponent's ideas are bad, even if you personally don't like them. But teaching sexual education to three-year-old children I won't tolerate, I can't, I'm sorry," he stated visibly angry.

He has labeled as "nauseating" and "sinister" what the PSC government intends to do at the behest of ERC. 

He has reminded that children "do not belong to the State or the Government, but to their families. When they are temporarily handed over to the educational system, it is so they acquire useful knowledge for their lives. Not to have their childhood stolen and to advance events that do not correspond to that age."

He has warned Illa that there are "moral limits," and that in democracy they are set by the Declaration of Human Rights. Especially, "the right of children to preserve their childhood without being sexualized from the age of three."

"Mr. Illa," he concluded, "call me whatever you want, make whatever faces you want, but leave the children alone."

Clash Between Salvador Illa and the PP Deputy

In his turn to reply, Salvador Illa has shown himself very upset with the intervention of the popular deputy. He considers that he "has taken a wrong path." 

They both clashed when Salvador Illa said that "we have a very serious problem with pornography and violence." Alejandro Fernández shouted from his seat "what does that have to do with it." "It has a lot to do with it, because that is fought by educating," Illa replied while Fernández shook his head with a very serious expression.

The President clarified that he is guided by what professionals say, and assures that all content is age-appropriate. He demanded Alejandro Fernández "not to trivialize this."

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