A hallway covered with homeless people and their belongings, including boxes, bags, and a sleeping bag, while two people walk in the background.

The Comuns Show Concern for the Homeless Despite Their Numbers Doubling Under Their Government in BCN

According to the latest data, there are 4,500 homeless people accounted for, 1,384 of whom sleep on the street

One of the major blemishes of Colauism in Barcelona was not having managed to reduce poverty during its eight years in government. The figures for homelessness in Barcelona are particularly striking. When Ada Colau became mayor, there were 892 people sleeping on the street, and when she left in 2023, there were 1,384.

Ada Colau dressed in a black tank top, clapping in front of a microphone against a purple background.
The Homeless, Another Reflection of the Failure of Colauism in Barcelona | Europa Press

These are data from the Fundació Arrels, which warns that the figure could be much higher. In fact, adding those housed in public or private residences and those living in settlements, the number rises to 4,504.

Los Comuns have always been very sensitive to this social drama. Just today, the deputy Andrés García Berrio shared the message from Fundació Arrels following the tragic death of a homeless person in Barcelona. His name was Juan, he was 49 years old, and he died of a cardiorespiratory arrest after suffering from several health problems.

Los Comuns are sensitive to this drama despite the fact that the number of homeless people doubled during their eight years in government. It is similar to the issue of housing. Despite being one of their major promises, during the government of Los Comuns, Barcelona was the city where housing prices skyrocketed the most.

The Failure of Colauism

Homelessness is a global phenomenon that can't be blamed solely on Los Comuns. In Madrid, for example, the number of people sleeping on the street has also increased in recent years. In 2023, there were 1,023 recorded, slightly fewer than those registered in Barcelona.

This data is striking because Los Comuns always wanted to rival from Barcelona with the Madrid of the PP. Isabel Díaz Ayuso became the president of the Community of Madrid in 2019. That year, which coincided precisely with the beginning of Colau's second term, the number of homeless people in Barcelona rose from 950 to 1,200.

The number of people sleeping on the street in Barcelona decreased slightly in 2021, but then rose again in the following two years. Although it is a global phenomenon, just like housing, it shows that Los Comuns's solutions against poverty did not work.

Processing of a Law in Parliament

It is also understandable that deputies from Los Comuns are sensitive to a drama that concerns everyone. But the increase in people sleeping on the street shows that things are not being done well. Parliament is now processing a pioneering law to address this issue, with the support of PSC, Junts, ERC, PP, Los Comuns, and CUP.

From the figures on the homeless in Barcelona, the increase in young people sleeping on the street is surprising. Many of them are young people who were previously under guardianship and end up on the street after reaching adulthood. According to a study by Fundació Arrels, 70% of the homeless have no hope of changing their situation.

➡️ Politics

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