A group of people is gathered on a street, some of them under a blue tent with white letters, while in the foreground there is a person with a black jacket and hood; on the ground, there is a partially visible sign with text in large letters.

Attack on a PP Tent in BCN Amid Shouts of 'Fascists' for Opposing Squatting

Daniel Sirera insists that 'we will continue working for a safe and squatter-free Barcelona, no matter who it bothers'

One of the political peculiarities of Catalonia is the harassment of information stands of parties and other civil organizations. The cases are countless, and almost all political colors have been harassed. The latest and most shocking examples have occurred with the tents of Aliança Catalana, to the point of leading to police arrests.

The protagonists of these altercations are usually anti-system individuals from the orbit of the CUP and other radical organizations. As is also common, the radicals disrupt the information stands shouting "fascists," "Nazis," "get out of here," etc. The latest case was suffered by the PP of Barcelona in the Sant Andreu district for opposing the occupation of homes.

The party leader in Barcelona, Daniel Sirera, has shared images of the attack on social media. "Defending private property and combating illegal occupation is not fascism, it's justice," Sirera stated:

As seen in the images, a group of hooded individuals tear down posters with the measures that the PP proposes against occupation. At the same time, they hurl insults shouting "filthy fascists, disgusting." One of the agitators, very angry, shouts that "the occupiers are people, it's a hate crime, disgusting fascists."

Bald man with a beard speaking at a press conference with a blue background and the PP logo.
The PP Leader in Barcelona, Daniel Sirera | Europa Press

This publication by Sirera has reached 122,000 views and has found much support among popular figures. The party leader in Catalonia, Alejandro Fernández, pointed out that "you are fulfilling your duty, and that always has a reward."

Meanwhile, Sirera explained that "they will not intimidate us with insults or violence. We will continue working for a safe Barcelona free of occupiers, no matter who it bothers."

40% of All Occupations in Spain

Regarding the occupation problem, Catalonia is sadly a protagonist. According to official data from the Ministry of the Interior, 40% of all occupations in Spain occur in Catalonia. This reality is due to a climate of political permissiveness and the remnants of the mortgage crisis, which left a large number of vacant homes.

For this reason, mayors who have firmly opposed occupation have reaped great political success in Catalonia. The clearest case is that of Xavier García Albiol, who has an absolute majority in Badalona. In fact, this very week, Albiol was once again a protagonist by directly confronting an occupier whom he managed to expel.

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