Close-up of Gabriel Rufián, politician from Esquerra Republicana, with his gaze lost in the Congress of Deputies

Gabriel Rufián Loses His Temper Again and Calls a Junts Deputy a Rat

These Aren't Easy Days for Republicans

It is evident that Gabriel Rufián is increasingly nervous about the collapse of the left and his party. The republican is obsessed with the possibility of an alliance between Junts, PP, and Vox. Last week, he called Junts deputy Isidre Gavin "miserable," and today he has gravely insulted Josep Maria Cruset.

A group of people walks down a hallway, with a woman in the center standing out as she smiles while the wind moves her hair.
Josep Maria Cruset with Miriam Nogueras and Pilar Calvo | Europa Press

Junts has secured the support of PSOE to process the bill to evict squatters within 48 hours. A proposal highly criticized by the left because it overturns the anti-eviction decree approved by the PSOE-Podemos government during the pandemic. PP, Vox, PNV, and CC have supported Junts, while ERC has opposed it along with Bildu and Sumar.

Deputy Cruset has publicized the processing of the law on X, pointing to ERC for opposing the fight against squatting. His tweet did not sit well with Gabriel Rufián, who replied with a rat emoji.

In fact, the processing has caused a new rift in the government and with its partners. PSOE had to vote in favor of the processing to satisfy Junts, but it has angered the left-wing parties that support it. The socialists have had to calm the waters by promising the introduction of amendments to modify some parts of the law.

Nerves Are Running High in Esquerra

These are not easy days for ERC, which sees Junts scoring another point in Madrid while its plan with Rodalies flounders. Esquerra tried to counter the delegation of immigration competencies with the transfer of the train service. But it has had to backtrack, causing another chaos in the Catalan railway network.

This new fiasco adds to the singular financing one and the general process of decomposition of a party heading for disaster. Rufián represents the decline of his party better than anyone. His insults are yet another sign of his desperation, but judging by the comments on X, he is achieving the opposite effect of what he wanted.

Gabriel Rufián, along with Oriol Junqueras, has been the leader of the operation to distance ERC from Junts and move closer to PSOE/PSC. Junts's shift to the right has intensified his animosity toward them even more. They have driven him to the point where he has replaced political debate with insults on social media.

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