Camilo Blanes and Lourdes Ornelas pose in front of a dark background with red and white details, one wears a scarf on her head and sunglasses over it, while the other appears in a frame with a glitter effect.

Reveal How Lourdes Ornelas Treats Camilo Blanes: 'he Is an Adult And…'

A person close to Camilo Blanes reveals the role Lourdes Ornelas is playing in his life

Hours after details about the latest scandal involving Camilo Blanes emerged, information about Lourdes Ornelas has come to light. A person close to them has stated that Sheila Devil "is of legal age and there's little her mother can do".

In the early hours of Tuesday, February 25, all alarms were raised around the heir of singer Camilo Sesto. As was known the following morning, the young man was arrested for an alleged crime of trafficking toxic substances.

Person with red wig and striking facial expression.
Camilo Blanes has been arrested for an alleged crime of trafficking toxic substances. | Instagram, @sheiladevil

That night, Camilo Blanes was found with twelve grams of cocaine, an amount that exceeds the legal limit of seven and a half grams for personal use. A situation that has undoubtedly worried his mother, Lourdes Ornelas, even more.

"The incident occurred this morning. Sheila was on the street and suddenly the police intercepted her after seeing she was doing something strange, they don't really know what. They approached her, searched her and found 12 grams," said Miguel Ángel Nicolás on El Programa de Ana Rosa.

Christina Rapado and Camilo Blanes in a split image, a blonde with a leopard jacket on the left and another with a blue hat and denim jersey on the right.
Christina Rapado speaks out about Camilo Blanes's current life |, Mediaset, Instagram, @hercitycallale

Now, following this scandal, the newspaper La Razón has republished a conversation it had with Christina Rapado a few months ago. In it, Camilo Blanes's ex-partner revealed what kind of treatment Lourdes Ornelas gives her son.

Christina Rapado Reveals Lourdes Ornelas's Position on Camilo Blanes's Problem

During that conversation, Christina Rapado had no qualms about revealing her opinion on the current life Camilo Blanes, also known as Sheila Devil, is leading:

"He's in a tunnel with no return and no light to escape, there's no turning back for him. It's very difficult to help him... He associates with people with addictions who only take his money, buy things with his credit card and take advantage of him."

Close-up of Lourdes Ornelas, mother of Camilo Blanes, with a serious face
Rapado claims that Lourdes Ornelas can't do anything for Camilo Blanes | Europa Press

Meanwhile, Christina made it clear that, as much as it pains Lourdes Ornelas and her loved ones, Camilo Blanes has made these decisions "as the adult he is". For this reason, she believes no one has the right to interfere in his life.

"The problem is that, in his own words, he feels very comfortable and very happy this way, so he's the first one who doesn't want to leave that lifestyle. He's made his personal choice and I think the rest of us have to respect it[...]He's not hurting anyone, only himself," she stated.

However, despite her opinion, she is aware that Camilo Blanes's lifestyle is causing Lourdes Ornelas deep pain. So much so that she didn't hesitate to assure that she has always been very alert to her son:

"She hasn't abandoned him and never will. I know she's aware of everything and knows who comes and goes, but he's of legal age and there's little she can do. She hasn't given up and never will for her son to recover, but the only person who decides the life he wants to lead is him."

➡️ People

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