Two women on a television show, one with blonde hair - who is Rosa Benito - and the other with brown hair - who is María Patiño - both with different facial expressions.

180º Turn After María Patiño's Confession About Rosa Benito: 'Divine Justice'

The host of 'Ni que fuéramos' condemns Rosa Benito after her latest television interview

María Patiño has analyzed in Ni que fuéramos the statements that Rosa Benito made last week on television. Amador Mohedano's ex appeared on ¡De Viernes!, where she broke her silence after three years away from the spotlight. Patiño questioned Rosa Benito's speech regarding one of the most notable phrases of the entire conversation: "Not telling the truth about something that is divine justice being a direct witness."

The journalist couldn't help but refer to the moment when Chayo Mohedano's mother explained that she went on television sets to talk about her political family for money. However, Patiño wanted to emphasize the fact that Rosa Benito didn't tell the truth regarding Rocío Carrasco. According to the host of Ni que fuéramos, the Alicante native accepted numerous television proposals, not for the financial compensation, but for the "hatred" she has for her niece.

A person with glasses and brown hair appears in a studio with neon lights and various decorative objects in the background.
María Patiño has been relentless with the decision that Rosa Benito made in her day | Canal Quickie

One must go back in time to the moment when Rocío Carrasco recounted before the cameras the ordeal that, according to her, she lived with the father of her two children. Meanwhile, Rosa Benito accepted invitations from different programs, where she sided against her niece.

María Patiño Unveils the Reason Why Rosa Benito Decided to Speak for Money

An attitude that María Patiño now wanted to recall. According to her, Rosa Benito at the time told her what she experienced with Rocío Carrasco. 

A testimony that has nothing to do with what she later narrated on television. "Because what blinded her wasn't the money," the communicator asserted. She added: "it was the hatred for Rocío Carrasco," she clarified, referring to her niece.

María Patiño hasn't held back what she had to reproach Rocío Jurado's sister-in-law: "There are things that don't depend on money or circumstances," the host warned. 

Rosa Benito Referred Indirectly to Her Niece in Her Recent Interview

"I stopped believing Rosa because of everything she told me privately over the years about that family. Over time, she decided to say the opposite," she concluded. 

The truth is that Rosa Benito gave an interview, the toughest of her life, as she herself wanted to imply, in which she made several headlines. However, at no point did she mention Rocío Jurado's daughter, although indirectly she did.

Close-up montage of Rocío Carrasco and Rosa Benito serious
According to Patiño, Rosa Benito acted out of the hatred she has for her niece Rocío Carrasco | Mediaset, E-Noticies

Rosa assured that if the artist were still with us, none of the conflicts that arose after her death in 2006 would have happened. "If she were alive, she would have slammed her hand down so that no one would do anything," Benito stated, without directly pointing to Rocío Carrasco.

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