Two people in a photo montage, Rocío Flores with red hair in the foreground and Antonio David Flores in a red circle in the upper left corner.

Rocío Flores Confirms the Latest on Antonio David Flores: 'He Says That…'

Rocío Flores has used her social media to confirm the latest news about her father, Antonio David Flores

Rocío Flores has once again captured the attention of her followers by sharing details of her latest trip. The young woman has traveled to Madrid with her father, Antonio David Flores. Through her Instagram stories, she has shown what this getaway has been like and confessed that Antonio David Flores: "Says he won't return to Madrid at all."

In one of her posts, Rocío wanted to know her father's opinion about the capital. "From 1 to 10, how much do you like Madrid?" she asked him.

A person smiling in a black and white photo with text that says
Rocío Flores asks Antonio David if he likes Madrid | @rotrece, Instagram

Antonio David Flores, without hesitation, replied sincerely: "From 1 to 10, how much do I like it? At this moment in my life, precisely at this moment, a 1." A reply that has not gone unnoticed.

Rocío Flores Confirms the Latest News About Antonio David Flores Through Her Social Media

But that wasn't all, Rocío also posted another publication with her father in which she shared an anecdote. "He just told me that it's 0 degrees cold, it's his phrase of the day. He says he won't return to Madrid at all," the young woman wrote.

The former collaborator, laughing, explained his stance. "In any case, in summer, when people leave," he commented. His words made his daughter laugh, who enjoyed the warm moment with her father.

A person with a nose ring and makeup slightly smiles in a black and white photo, with text mentioning the cold in Madrid and emojis.
Rocío Flores jokes with Antonio David Flores | Instagram, @rotrece

However, Rocío also took the opportunity to reflect on her mood. "How well I woke up today after the week I've had…" she confessed. Words that refer to her recent legal defeat against Kiko Hernández, which has forced her to pay the court costs.

In this situation, Antonio David wanted to encourage her with a positive phrase. "No, there's always a reason to smile in life, to celebrate," he said with determination.

Antonio David Flores Is the Fundamental Pillar of Rocío Flores

This way, Rocío Flores has confirmed the latest news about Antonio David Flores. They are together, supporting each other and enjoying the time shared. A father-daughter relationship that continues to strengthen over time.

Antonio David and Rocío demonstrate how united they are | Instagram, @rotrece

The trip to Madrid also served for Rocío to disconnect after the controversy. She took the opportunity to enjoy some corners of the city. Although brief, her stay was intense.

The young woman's followers have reacted to her posts. Many have highlighted the rapport between father and daughter. Others have shown their support in this complicated legal moment.

What is clear is that Rocío Flores continues with her life. Despite the obstacles, she has shown that she always looks for the positive side. And with her father by her side, it seems that support will not be lacking.

➡️ People

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