Marieta Díaz with a serious expression in a television studio setting with a surprised emoji in a speech bubble.

Nobody Expects the Blunder Marieta Had Inside 'gh Dúo': 'i'm A…'

Marieta unexpectedly reveals something she had been keeping quiet about during her participation in 'GH Dúo'

Marieta had to answer a list of unexpected questions from the outside this Wednesday on GH Dúo. Neither Suso Álvarez's girlfriend nor José María Almoguera or Miguel Frigenti, all nominated, knew who had formulated the mentioned questions. Marieta, when asked if she has become "a nuisance" since she fell in love, couldn't help but reply: "If I'm a nuisance, then I'm proud to be one".

It was Ion Aramendi who read the statement that defined the GH Dúo contestant as a nuisance, an annoying, bothersome, and untimely person. "What do you feel about going from being a warrior to Winnie the Pooh and having your companions take care of you for being Suso's girlfriend?" he asked Marieta directly.

Two people on a television show, Marieta Díaz on the left with headphones and Suso Álvarez on the right, both in a blue-toned illuminated setting.
Marieta didn't find the question her boyfriend had asked, without her knowing, appropriate. | Mediaset

Then, the woman from Elche acknowledged that she doesn't feel at all that her companions are taking care of her for being Suso's girlfriend. "In the end, I've fallen in with the people most similar to me," she defended herself.

Marieta Has Admitted That Since She Fell in Love She Is a "Nuisance"

It was at that moment that she pointed directly at the person who had defined her with that term. "The person who told me I'm a nuisance is because they haven't fallen in love in their life," she concluded. A response that, without her knowing, was directed at Marta López, the author of the mentioned question.

Next, it was Miguel Frigenti's turn. "You haven't been natural and you've been overly arrogant. Do you think you've lacked humility in the competition?" the presenter wanted to know.

Then the GH Dúo contestant acknowledged that "I probably might have lacked humility because we all make mistakes". The journalist tried to defend himself by being self-critical, yet he stated that he had strived to be natural: "maybe by being too much so, I've fought quite a bit".

Aramendi, after listening to Frigenti, wanted to know what Marieta thought of the question. Suso's girlfriend then stated, without knowing that the author of the question was her boyfriend, that whoever asked that hadn't been accurate. 

José María Almoguera, in tune with Marieta, spoke on the matter: "The truth is that it's a bit impertinent," he began by saying. And Carmen Borrego's son added about Suso's question: "I think it's a bit over the top".

Marieta Didn't Know That the Author of the Question to Frigenti Was Her Boyfriend Suso Álvarez

After answering the mentioned questions, Ion Aramendi cleared up the big mystery of the night. "One of you tonight is going to sleep better," he began by saying. "The audience has decided that José should be saved from eviction," announced the presenter. 

A statement that left María Teresa Campos's grandson out of the nomination and positioned Marieta and Frigenti as the only nominees.

A group of people sitting on modern-style chairs - Marieta Díaz, Miguel Frigenti, and José María Almoguera - on a television set with neon lights and Suso Álvarez laughing in a box on the right.
Suso, Marieta's boyfriend, was closely following the round of questions asked to the nominees | Mediaset

With the eviction of one of them, the reality show enters a new phase. From now on, the nomination round will not be carried out through the usual process. Henceforth, it will be conducted through an explosive and unusual game in which all contestants will participate.

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