Ana Garcés looks at the camera while in the background a black and white scene of Jana lying down with a graphic explosion effect is observed.

Incredible: Ana Garcés Breaks Her Silence After Her Character's Death in 'La Promesa'

Ana Garcés has shared some heartfelt words after her sad and unexpected departure from 'La Promesa'

Ana Garcés, the actress who played Jana Expósito in La Promesa, has spoken movingly after her tragic death in the series. Through a message on social media, she has expressed her gratitude to the followers for their constant support over the years. Garcés acknowledges that her participation in the series has marked a turning point in her life and career.

"What I've experienced in this series is indescribable, Jana has been everything to me," she states in her statement. Ana has also taken the opportunity to thank all her colleagues and wish them all the best. As a final touch, her last words were directed to the character she played for so many years: "Goodbye forever, Jana."

Ana Garcés in an elegant dress posing on the red carpet of the Goya Awards, with a background showing the logos of the event's sponsors and organizers.
Ana Garcés Says Goodbye to "La Promesa" After Her Character's Death | Europa Press

Ana Garcés Speaks After Her Finale in La Promesa

La Promesa experienced one of its most special days yesterday, Wednesday, with three consecutive episodes focused on the series' most intense moment. Jana, the character played by Ana Garcés, was torn between life and death and viewers were glued to the screen. Finally, the palace employee breathed her last breath before the astonished gaze of all the followers.

After the death of her character in the arms of her beloved Manuel, Garcés issued a farewell statement that was most moving. Her departure from the series has been a blow to the fans, who have joined her throughout all the seasons. For all of them, the actress wanted to say goodbye by thanking them for all the love received over these years.

"I say goodbye to you with tears in my eyes and my hands on my chest as a sign of gratitude," she begins by saying. "This project has been the best thing that has happened to me and something I never imagined would happen to me," she adds with great emotion.

Ana recalls how she arrived at La Promesa at 23 years old and how it became an essential part of her life. Especially Jana, the role she has been playing for two and a half years and will never forget. Her farewell has been marked by nostalgia and affection for her character, for which she feels deeply grateful.

She has also taken the opportunity to remember her coworkers with whom she has shared these last years. "You have been a constant teaching, you have cared for and loved me like a family," she commented.

Ana Garcés Bids Farewell to La Promesa

Jana Expósito's death has had a significant impact on the series. Her absence will give rise to new plots and new characters that will parade through La Promesa to continue captivating the audience.

However, the void left by the character played by Ana Garcés will not be easy to fill. The actress has left an indelible legacy in the series, and Jana will always be remembered by the followers and by Ana herself. "She has been everything to me," confessed the Valladolid native.

Arturo Sancho leaning over Ana Garcés who is lying on a bed, in a scene from La Promesa.
After Jana's Death, New Storylines Will Arrive at "La Promesa" | RTVE

"Definitely, a part of me will remain in the palace of La Promesa with my people, goodbye forever, Jana," she concluded. The series has confirmed that there will be new faces arriving at La Promesa, and the plot will continue with new stories, intrigues, and secrets.

Meanwhile, the series has lost one of its most beloved and essential faces, there are still many things to reveal. Ana will no longer be part of it, but undoubtedly the name of Jana will take a long time to be forgotten. Her tragic end will be the central axis of the next episode, where the audience will attend her funeral, not without controversy.

➡️ People

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