Photomontage with a background image of the TV3 studios with the logo and Toni Soler in front half smiling

Farewell to 'Està Passant': TV3 Cancels Toni Soler's Show

Catalonia's Public Television Has Decided to Modify Its Usual Programming This Wednesday: Everything That Is Known

TV3, known for its ability to adapt to its audience's tastes, has decided to make a programming change this Wednesday. Instead of airing Toni Soler's show Està passant, TV3 has chosen to prioritize a high-level sporting event.

Thus, the network will broadcast FC Barcelona's match in the UEFA Women's Champions League, one of the most prestigious competitions in European women's soccer. This change reflects the growing relevance and interest caused by women's soccer.

A person with glasses and a brown jacket is standing in front of a background with the text
TV3 Won't Air the Program Hosted by Natza Farré This Wednesday | TV3

TV3's decision comes at a key moment for women's sports, as Barça has established itself as one of the most outstanding clubs in this category. The team has gained recognition and admiration worldwide.

For this reason, the Catalan regional channel has decided to change its usual schedule, giving space to a match that promises. A decision that ensures the match will attract a large audience and generate great anticipation among the team's followers.

Female soccer players celebrating a goal with a hug on the field.
Instead, the network will broadcast the FC Barcelona women's match | @FCBfemeni

Goodbye to Està passant, Toni Soler's Show

The change was announced in the same humor space. This decision responds to the importance that the UEFA Women's Champions League has in the sports context, especially for a team like FC Barcelona.

The match will be broadcast right after the conclusion of La Selva, the show hosted by Xavier Grasset. This special schedule highlights the priority TV3 gives to sporting events involving local teams and, in particular, those representing Catalonia.

Man with glasses and beard, dressed in a light green jacket and orange shirt, sitting in front of a background of trees.
The match will air after "La Selva," Xavier Grasset's show | TV3

This change not only underscores the growing importance of women's soccer. It also shows TV3's interest in providing its viewers with varied and quality content.

The broadcast of this UEFA Women's Champions League match is an opportunity for the audience to engage with women's soccer. A field that continues to gain visibility and followers worldwide.

The move also reflects TV3's focus on adjusting to the most relevant events, responding to the demand for sports content. With these types of changes, the network continues to bet on offering programming that captures its audience's attention.

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