Close-up photo montage of Pope Francis with a hospital in the background.

Cold Water Shock for Pope Francis: The Shocking Confession of Carla, His Cousin

The Reflection of Pope Francis's Cousin on Her Relationship with Him and the Changes She Has Experienced

In a small town in Piedmont, Carla Rabezzana closely follows the news about the health of her cousin, Pope Francis. Although there are signs of improvement, uncertainty remains. From a distance, she awaits updates with a mix of hope and concern.

Time and circumstances have changed their relationship. Before, contact was frequent, but now she relies on the media to hear about him. Despite everything, the affection remains intact, and the memories of past times stay alive.

Close-up shot of Pope Francis wearing glasses and white attire, waving.
Carla Reveals How Her Relationship with Francisco Has Changed | Instagram, @franciscus

Concern for the Pontiff's Health

From her home in Portacomaro, Carla expressed her concern in an interview with National Catholic Reporter. "We hoped that Pope Francis wouldn't have more relapses, but unfortunately, things always happen," she commented with resignation.

The Pontiff, admitted since February 14 due to a lung infection, has shown slow but steady improvement. According to doctors, he no longer needs mechanical ventilation to sleep, and his oxygenation has improved. However, there is still no estimated date for his discharge, which keeps his close ones on edge.

"Before, calls were more common, but since he became Pope, everything changed," she explained. The family, who used to communicate with him frequently, now relies on the media to know his condition. Although on important dates the Pontiff always makes his presence felt, the sense of distance has grown over the years.

Two elderly people smile while sitting at the table in a cozy room.
Pope Francis's Cousin Talks About His Health | Vatican News

A Distance That Weighs

Pope Francis's last visit to Portacomaro, in November 2022, was a special moment for the family. Carla fondly remembers that day full of emotion, when the Pope greeted her with one of his characteristic jokes. "Listen, you're not going to heaven!" he said, when she asked why, he replied with a smile: "Because you're a sinner!"

The relationship between them was forged from childhood and maintained over the years. Francis always found time to visit his family when traveling through Europe. In his early years as a Jesuit, their meetings were frequent and full of lively conversations. However, his election as Supreme Pontiff marked a turning point in their bond.

Close-up of Pope Francis with his hands in a prayer gesture.
Pope Francis's Cousin Reflects on Their Distance | Instagram, @franciscus

The news of his election in 2013 surprised Carla, who never imagined her cousin would go so far. "It may be an honor to be related to a Pope, but deep down, if he weren't, I would have been happier," she confessed with melancholy. For her, the papacy meant losing closeness with someone she had always considered an essential part of her life.

Despite the distance, Carla remains alert to every update and keeps faith in his recovery. "I pray for him every night, as always, he constantly tells me: 'Pray for me!' Now I've increased the number of prayers, but I always say: 'Lord, thy will be done,'" she concluded, clinging to the hope of hearing her dear cousin's voice again.

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