Cold Water Shock for Infanta Cristina: They've Uncovered the Irene Urdangarin Situation
The emeritus's daughter didn't want the situation posed by her daughter Irene Urdangarin to be released.
Irene Urdangarin returned to the United Kingdom a few weeks ago after enjoying a few days of rest coinciding with the Christmas holidays. The young woman is currently studying event management at the prestigious University of Oxford. However, it has emerged that she might be seriously considering the possibility of leaving, news that her mother did not expect to come to light.
Apparently, Irene is not entirely satisfied with the degree she has enrolled in. The granddaughter of the emeritus is aware that this career is not what she really wanted to study.

Initially, she chose this because it was the option closest to her interests. Despite this, she has now realized that it doesn't excite her and she is not willing to continue in this direction for four more years.
These circumstances have also caused the academic performance of Princess Leonor's cousin to not be as expected.
Irene Urdangarin Has Expressed Her Desire Not to Continue Her Studies at Oxford
However, Irene's low commitment to her studies began in her previous stage when she was pursuing the International Baccalaureate. Even then, the young woman showed that she was not entirely focused. A situation that could be motivated by her parents' separation, a process that deeply affected the four Urdangarin siblings.
It should be remembered that her first option was to enter the University of Lausanne in Geneva to study Hotel Management. Ultimately, she did not pass the entrance exams and it was then that she decided to take a gap year.

During the months she was thinking about her future, Irene settled in Spain, specifically with her grandmother at the Palacio de la Zarzuela. During this time, she also had the opportunity to volunteer in Cambodia, following the example of her brother Juan.
Infanta Cristina Is Concerned About the Situation Presented by Irene Urdangarin
During her stay in the capital, it emerged that Infanta Cristina's daughter had begun a romantic relationship with Juan Urquijo. In addition, the young woman began to move in influential social circles thanks to her cousin, Victoria Federica.
Faced with the possibility that the youngest of the family wanted to dedicate herself to social media and the fashion world, her mother, Infanta Cristina, was firm. She was not willing for her daughter to follow that path.

It was last September when Irene arrived in Oxford to begin a university stage that everything indicates will end sooner than expected. If the wishes of Iñaki Urdangarin's youngest daughter are fulfilled, she could return to our country sooner than her parents desired.
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