Color image of San Eladio corresponding to a tapestry in the Toledo Cathedral

Today's Saints, Tuesday, February 18, 2025: Which Saint Is Celebrated Today?

On Tuesday, February 18, 2025, the Catholic Church's calendar commemorates a Visigothic Hispanic ecclesiastic and statesman

This Tuesday, the Catholic Church's Calendar of Saints commemorates a saint who was first the abbot of the Agali monastery and later was appointed bishop of Toledo.

Who Was Saint Eladio of Toledo, the Most Important Saint of Tuesday, February 18?

The Catholic Church's Calendar of Saints especially commemorates today Saint Eladio of Toledo, who was born in the 6th century in Visigothic Spain. His successor in the see, Saint Ildefonso, documented his career in the work De viris illustribus.

This document indicates that Saint Eladio was the abbot of the Agali monastery, governor of a province, and a member of the Aula Regia during the reign of Sisebuto. Additionally, this writing states that he advised the king to expel the Jews from the Visigothic kingdom of Toledo.

In the year 615, Saint Eladio was elected bishop of Toledo and coincided with the reigns of Recaredo II, Suintila, and the beginning of Sisenando's reign. Years later, some authors suggest that he returned to the monastery after resigning from the episcopate until he passed away in 633.

He stood out for his religious fervor and dedication to monastic life. His priorities were education in faith, without neglecting the priests and divine worship, improving the Liturgy as praise to God.

Eladio is a name of Greek origin that means "belonging to Ancient Greece." On this day, about 6,495 men named Eladio might receive congratulations from family and friends.

Saint Francis Regis Clet

Saint Francis Regis Clet was a French-born priest and missionary who lived in the 18th century. Belonging to the Lazarist order, he was martyred in China during the evangelizing mission he carried out in that country.

A man with a beard and religious attire holds a crucifix in one hand and makes a gesture with the other, against a decorative background.
San Francisco Regis Clet | Alfa & Omega

Blessed John of Fiesole

Blessed John of Fiesole was a priest of the Order of Preachers who lived between the 14th and 15th centuries. An Italian painter of the Quattrocento, he managed to combine the life of a Dominican friar with that of an accomplished artist. He closely followed Christ and was able to express in his paintings what he contemplated internally.

A religious painting of a monk with a golden halo and blue attire, in a contemplative pose.
Blessed Juan de Fiésole | Dominicos

Other Saints: The Complete Calendar of Saints for Tuesday, February 18:

The Catholic Church's Calendar of Saints also commemorates today the celebration of these other saints and blessed:

  • Saint Tarasius
  • Saint Teotonio
  • Saint John Peter Néel and Companions
  • Saint Angilbert Abbot
  • Saint Sadoth and Companions
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