ESCÀNDOL a TV3: Surt a la llum l’impactant salari dels seus directius POLITICS

VIDEO | Scandal at TV3: The Shocking Salaries of Its Executives Are Revealed

We Analyze the Astronomical Salaries of the Leadership of the Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals

Scandal at TV3. A report by the Sindicatura de Comptes uncovers up to 23 irregularities in the management of the Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals. That is, TV3, Catalunya Ràdio, and company.

You read that right: 23 irregularities by the management of the Catalan public media. Some are truly shocking. The most notable one affects their executives: they have astronomical salaries.

Did you know that some of them have had salaries higher than those of a conseller of the Generalitat? That is, about 120,000 euros annually. To give other examples: at TV3, we have a "Green Business Director" who earns almost 110,000 euros. Or the Director of the La Marató de TV3 Foundation, who earns almost 100,000 euros. Or six members of the Governing Council with salaries of 120,000 euros.

In total, more than 1.8 million euros in salaries just for the Corpo's management. Imagine the theft that the entire structure around TV3 actually is. Does it really make any sense to maintain that entire structure that costs us, in total, more than 350 million euros of public funds each year?

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