Close-up of Carles Puigdemont with his hand on his forehead and a worried face

Supreme Court Goes After Puigdemont and Complicates Pedro Sánchez's Future

The fugitive former president boasts about the situation

The political crisis opened in Spain after last night's electoral deadlock is now taking on a frantic pace. Hours after the governability of Spain fell to Junts, the Supreme Court made a decision that could be crucial. The prosecution is asking Judge Pablo Llarena to issue a search and arrest warrant against Puigdemont.

It is the logical reaction of the Spanish justice system after the European courts stripped the fugitive expresident of his immunity. But the decision has its important political aspect. The Supreme Court's offensive against Carles Puigdemont significantly affects the negotiations for Pedro Sánchez's investiture.

They ask Llarena to reactivate the European arrest warrant | Europa Press, E-Noticies

The leader of Junts was reluctant yesterday to invest Pedro Sánchez if he doesn't accept a self-determination referendum for Catalonia. This confirms his party's position of blockade and confrontation. This new step by the prosecution further complicates the situation.

Carles Puigdemont Laughs at Spain

The prosecutors of the procés are requesting "the issuance of international and European arrest warrants" for Carles Puigdemont and Toni Comín. The reason, "the withdrawal of parliamentary immunity by the General Court of the European Union," and the "personal situation" of Puigdemont and Comín, "fugitives from justice and in rebellion."

Carles Puigdemont has mocked the situation by joking about it in a tweet in English. "One day you are decisive for the formation of government in Spain, and the next day Spain orders your arrest."

Judge Pablo Llarena will now have to decide whether to reactivate the European arrest warrant and issue the search and arrest of the expresident. Puigdemont faces charges of embezzlement with sentences ranging from six to twelve years in prison. They could not be tried for sedition because the PSOE precisely eliminated this crime from the penal code.

PSOE in Serious Trouble

PSOE saved an important match point last night but as the hours pass the situation is becoming more complicated. The justice's challenge to Puigdemont and Comín complicates the expectations of an understanding between socialists and Junts. The Junts members have already said they will not hesitate to force new elections.

On the other side, the socialists are also not willing to assume certain costs in exchange for Junts's support. PSOE has sent a message of calm this morning: "Democracy will find the formula for governability."

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