Spaniards Ask Sánchez to Let Feijóo Govern

A survey shows the will of PSOE and Sumar voters

This Monday begins a decisive week, that of elections aimed at starting a new political cycle in Spain. Polls show Feijóo as the clear winner but the question is whether he will be able to govern alone or will need Vox's votes. The decision is in PSOE's hands, whose voters clearly demand one thing.

So far, Pedro Sánchez has closed all doors to facilitating Feijóo's investiture to prevent Vox from entering the Government. But a survey shows what the majority of Spaniards want, including socialist and Sumar voters.

Message from Left-Wing Voters

According to a GESOP survey for El Periódico, 51.8% of PSOE voters would approve of facilitating Feijóo's investiture. The percentage is even higher among Yolanda Díaz's voters, at 52.2%. These data support Alberto Núñez Feijóo's offer during the campaign to let the most voted list govern.

Pedro Sánchez and Alberto Núñez Feijóo shaking hands on the Atresmedia set to promote their 'face to face' for the general elections on July 23, 2023
Spaniards, supporters of letting the most voted govern | Atresmedia, Twitter

According to the survey, 53.4% of Spaniards prefer an understanding between Feijóo and Sánchez over a PP-Vox Government. In fact, the coalition preferred by a majority of voters is PSOE-Sumar (37.8%). 28.7% would prefer a PP-PSOE coalition while 21.2% would advocate for a PP-Vox pact.

Meanwhile, 46.5% of Spaniards prefer that PP makes Sánchez president to prevent Sumar from entering the Government. Among PSOE voters, almost half would see a government with PP as better than with Sumar. As for PP voters, 54.8% prefer Feijóo to make a pact with Abascal rather than with Sánchez (37.3%).

By age, the right-wing coalition is more successful among young people. Although all age groups prefer a left-wing alliance followed by a pact between PP and PSOE.

Tendency Toward Moderation

This survey would demonstrate Spaniards' tendency toward moderation. A vision shared and defended by broad sectors within the two major parties. In this campaign, we have seen José María Aznar attack Vox and Felipe González call for facilitating Feijóo's investiture.

Even so, other surveys also show growth for parties like Sumar and Vox in recent weeks. The reality is that a few days before the elections, everything remains hanging in the air.

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