Montage of photos of Pedro Sánchez, with a sad face, raising his hand saying goodbye with the PSOE logo in the background

Most Spaniards Reject Pedro Sánchez's Strategy

Voters believe it would be an ungovernable Spain

Unless there is an unexpected turn of events, it seems that the future of governance in Spain hinges on two unique scenarios. Either a re-edition of the Frankenstein Government or a repeat of elections. Most Spaniards lean toward the latter.

This is stated by a survey from NC Report published today by La Razón, according to which more than half of Spaniards prefer new elections over a government with the independents. 56.4% of those surveyed would favor an electoral repeat to prevent Sánchez from becoming president with Puigdemont's support.

Rejection by Many Socialists

It is noteworthy that almost 32% of socialist voters lean toward an electoral repeat. In the case of PP, 87% of its voters would go for new elections, 100% in the case of Vox voters. In Sumar, only 12.5% prefer elections over a government with the support of the independents.

Montage with two close-ups of Carles Puigdemont and Pedro Sánchez smiling
Spaniards don't want the Puigdemont formula | Europa Press, E-Noticies

Overall, only 37.4% of Spaniards would prefer to govern with the independents rather than go to new elections. Almost 60% oppose Pedro Sánchez being invested with the deputies of Junts. 54% of PSOE voters and 96% of Podemos voters would accept Puigdemont's support.

A majority of socialist voters ask Pedro Sánchez not to give in to the separatists' blackmail. This indicates the rejection caused among socialists by their leader's strategy. However, the message of the sanitary cordon to PP-Vox has also resonated.

Spain, Ungovernable

According to this survey, 51.7% of Spaniards want to modify the electoral law to not depend on separatist parties. Additionally, a majority of citizens believe that with a Frankenstein Government, Spain would be ungovernable. The reason lies in political fragmentation and the demands of the nationalists.

It is also unconvincing that Spain's governance depends on Vox. 58% of those surveyed see it negatively, compared to 38% who would not mind a coalition with Abascal's party. In contrast, the only alternative left is a PP-PSOE government.

Pedro Sánchez and Alberto Núñez Feijóo shaking hands on the Atresmedia set to promote their 'face to face' for the general elections on July 23, 2023
The PSOE-PP formula generates division | Atresmedia, Twitter

This formula generates division, as 43% would view the agreement positively while 48% would view it negatively. The PP-PSOE pact is better received among popular voters, as 67% would accept it compared to 36% of socialist voters.

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