Riots in Salt Open a War Between Mossos and CUP
The USPAC union has denounced Deputy Laure Vega for inciting violence against the police
The unrest in Salt following the eviction of an imam and his family continues to linger. Peace has returned to the streets of this town in Girona with thirty thousand inhabitants. However, the tension has shifted to the political arena after a CUP deputy justified the attacks on the police.

Laure Vega said this week from the podium of Parliament that "a cultural trait" of Catalans is "that they have never allowed injustice." She then quoted comedian Manel Vidal, who tweeted that "in Catalonia, throwing stones at the police is a cultural trait."
She congratulated the Muslims of Salt, telling them "you are an example."
USPAC Calls for an Exemplary Sanction
The independent Mossos union USPAC has reported the deputy's words to the Board in Parliament. They do not do so in ordinary justice because deputies have immunity. They appeal to the parliamentary body to denounce "with all firmness" the "irresponsible, shameful, and dangerous statements."
They reiterate that it is a "dangerous" message that "legitimizes violence," and an unprecedented "humiliation" to the Mossos d'Esquadra. They accuse the deputy of having violated the chamber's regulations by "glorifying violence." They warn that this goes beyond disrespecting the police and endangers coexistence and democracy.
They demand that the Board of Parliament sanction the deputy with 12,000 euros, "as established by the code of conduct for serious offenses." Also, a formal warning and the temporary suspension of her position in case of recurrence.
Additionally, the union calls for the public appearance of the Minister of the Interior, Núria Parlon, who "has the obligation to defend the officers." They regret that she has "hidden." They demand an "immediate and exemplary" response because "anything else will be complicity."
Laure Vega Responds
Another union, SICPOL, has used irony to denounce the statements. "Our deep gratitude to Deputy Laure Vega for her invaluable contribution to social peace and citizen coexistence," says the statement.
"We perfectly understand that according to the deputy, the Catalan people have a long combative tradition. That's why we propose that in the next parliamentary session, instead of oral interventions, differences be solved with the throwing of cobblestones," they add.
Deputy Laure Vega has replied to the complaint by accusing USPAC of having a "fair reading comprehension." On ACN microphones, she expressed her wish for the Board to ignore the complaint and assured that her intervention had a humorous touch. Furthermore, she criticizes pointing to a group instead of focusing on social unrest over housing.
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