Carles Puigdemont speaking into a microphone with a Catalan flag in the background.

Justice Buries the 'Russian Plot' and Junts Takes the Opportunity to Lash Out at ERC

Charles Puigdemont's Circle Harshly Challenges the Republicans and Asks Them for a Public Apology

The Supreme Court Declines to Investigate Carles Puigdemont and Other Pro-Independence Leaders for the So-Called Russian Plot of the Procés. The high court thus buries a case that alleged supposed links between the Kremlin and Catalan leaders during the height of the Procés. The end of the case has caused satisfaction in Puigdemont's circle, which has taken the opportunity to settle scores with their rivals.

A group of people applaud at a formal event in a building with columns and classical decoration.
Justice Has Dismissed the Case Against the Pro-Independence Leaders | Europapress

The Supreme Court's decision has sparked a new war between Puigdemont's circle and sectors of Esquerra. "I would insult all those who have allowed themselves to trivialize, play, and speculate, believing the state's sewers and joining the executioners," said Junts deputy Aurora Madaula.

Many Puigdemont supporters have recalled Gabriel Rufián's words about the Russian plot of the procés, calling him miserable. When the Russian plot of the procés opened, the ERC leader in Congress harshly criticized the post-convergents. He called them "gentlemen who stroll around Europe with the wrong people, believing they are James Bond."

Now they reproach him for giving credibility to that case, which has now been shown to have no basis. Junts's circle also points to other republican leaders.

They Demand a Public Apology from ERC's Top Brass

Junts leader Francesc de Dalmases was one of those indicted in the case. He has issued a lengthy statement thanking his supporters and settling scores against ERC leaders.

He names Oriol Junqueras, Pere Aragonès, and Gabriel Rufián by name. He accuses them of having acted "as true accomplices of the Spanish sewers," in a "regular, cruel, and incomprehensible" manner. He reproaches them for the "inhuman pain" caused and for having provoked a political division that favored Spanish nationalism.

He asks them to reflect and publicly apologize "for their absolutely improper behavior." His harsh criticisms have joined those of former president Carles Puigdemont.

Carles Puigdemont

Carles Puigdemont has also issued a statement on X, remembering his political rivals within the independence movement. He points without naming them to "our useful idiots" who contributed to "the dirty war" of the "sewers and their invaluable collaborators."

He adds that "some are bothered by October 1st because its memory commits them to political action. Others are bothered by the concept of 'independence process' because its results are not immediate, leaving them with no room to sell an immediate and painless independence.

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