Medium shot of Andoni Ortuzar speaking at a rally with the PNV logo on one side and a photo of the Congress of Deputies in the background

Pnv Gains Ground to Preside Over Congress

This Thursday the new legislature begins

This Thursday begins the first battle of the legislature, which will be key for the formation of the new Government. The election of the nine members of the board and the presidency of Congress will mark the alliances for the investiture. This has opened the door for nationalists to preside over Congress for the first time.

PNV is now emerging as the main candidate for the presidency of Congress, within the framework of negotiations with PSOE and Sumar. The Basque nationalists are key in the balance of the left-right blocs. Socialists want to secure their support to avoid a PP presidency with PNV's support.

PSOE's priority remains to retain the presidency of Congress and distribute the rest of the seats in its bloc among Sumar, Basque nationalists, and Catalan independents. But in recent hours, Coalición Canaria has launched a proposal that changes everything.

PSOE Could Reward PNV

Fernando Clavijo, president of the Government of the Canary Islands and secretary general of Coalición Canaria (CC), has proposed giving the presidency to PNV. In statements to La Vanguardia, the Canarian showed his affinity with the Basques. In fact, his party is considering making a common front with the Basque nationalists in this legislature.


For now, neither PSOE nor PNV have assessed the proposal and with a few days to go before the session, everything remains hanging in the air. It is unlikely that PNV will support a PP presidency as it has shown its rejection of the popular while they go hand in hand with Vox. But the jertzales also do not want to give PSOE a blank check.

Pedro Sánchez's investiture is in the hands of Junts, but PNV is no less relevant in the balance of forces in Congress. ERC has already shown its willingness for the board to be presided over by a socialist as long as it is not Meritxell Batet or Miquel Iceta. PNV, on the other hand, wants to use its ambiguous position to obtain the presidency or a vice-presidency.

Thursday 17, A Key Date

The Board of Congress is a key body for controlling the laws promoted by the Government. PSOE knows that achieving a majority of the progressive bloc is key to counteracting PP's absolute majority in Congress. Additionally, it would facilitate controversial concessions to independence if the pact with Junts finally progresses.

Regarding the formation of the new government, the situation remains practically the same. If PP manages to attract the Canarians, in addition to Vox and UPN, the right-wing bloc would add up to 172 deputies. The left-wing bloc without Junts (PSOE, Sumar, ERC, EH Bildu, PNV, and BNG) adds up to 171 seats.

Everything will therefore depend on the position of the Basque nationalists and Junts. PNV has already made it clear that it will not support Feijóo's investiture while PP goes with Vox, and therefore it aligns with PSOE. But Sánchez is still five deputies short of reaching an absolute majority.

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