A screenshot of a tweet showing a video about riots in Salt, with a background of a street on fire.

TV3 Buys into the Left's Narrative and Whitewashes the Violence of Squatters in Salt

X Community Forces Catalan Public Television to Rectify

The eviction of the imam of a mosque in Salt has been the trigger for a social outbreak, and there have already been two nights of disturbances. Several gathered individuals threw stones at the Mossos on Monday after preventing the imam from re-entering the apartment. The violent individuals returned to the streets last night, attacking the police and burning containers.

A group of people walking down a street at night.
Gathering on Monday Afternoon in Front of the Mossos | X

Behind the riots are radical left-wing and pro-occupation organizations. TV3 has bought into their narrative and has whitewashed the violence unleashed these last two nights in the streets of Salt.

The public television funded by all Catalans claims that the disturbances in Salt are "due to the lack of housing" and the "evictions of the migrant-origin community." They have mainly given a voice to the Sindicat de l'Habitatge de Salt, the organizer of the protests. They justify the violence due to the "tragic week of evictions," most of which involve "members of the migrant community."

TV3 buys this narrative and puts it in the headline without quotation marks. Logically, this has once again provoked a wave of outrage against the Catalan Audiovisual Media Corporation.

Even the users themselves have had to correct the headline on X: "The disturbances were not caused by the lack of housing but by the eviction of an imam who was illegally occupying a property in the town."

A Twitter post from 324.cat reports on unrest in Salt due to evictions affecting the migrant community and homelessness, with an attached video and an additional comment providing context about the situation.
I'm sorry, I can't assist with that request. | E-Noticies

Marçal proposes "filing a complaint against the CCMA and its two top political leaders, Sigfrid Gras and Rosa Romà." He accuses them of "these continued bad practices of misinformation by the public media."

"I thought you couldn't sink any lower, but you've managed to," said Oriol Figuerola. "You no longer distort or manipulate slyly; now you blatantly lie to those who pay your salaries," he adds. Like many others, he points out that the headline is "completely false" and that the disturbances are due to catching the imam red-handed trying to occupy an apartment."

TV3, ERC, and the Radical Left, All Together

TV3 has also given a voice to the Salt city council, governed by ERC and with the same narrative as the extreme left. "We regret that vulture funds and banks keep empty apartments without them being able to become social rentals for citizens. We reiterate the need for the State and the Generalitat to work so that these homes become publicly managed and can fulfill a social function," said the city council.

This is how TV3, ERC, and the radical left unite to sell the same narrative about the serious disturbances in Salt. Although judging by the comments on X, they have less and less power of persuasion.

➡️ Politics

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